Clenched Fist
By: Maxine M.
Have you ever tried to remove something from the tightly clenched fist of a child?
RESISTANCE!! will occur even from one normally meek and mild
We may offer a “distraction”, but they are LEARY of being beguiled
The object may be detrimental to the child’s well-being and cause harm
But so often the fist is clenched even tighter…screaming in alarm
“MINE”, in a loud voice is declared…absent is their usual delightful charm
But the child doesn’t understand CONSEQUENCES, so the wisdom of the adult must prevail
The voice of responsibility must be 1st and foremost…whatever it will entail
To keep the child SAFE…if left to their own will, both will fail
Now, do we who are true children of the Heavenly Father also clench our fist?
Our way IS the right way for US…isn’t that what we adamantly insist
Tightly hold on to all those things on our “I WANT” list
Vigorously defend a relationship…the one WE think would make the perfect mate
Ignoring God’s inner-warnings till it may be too late
Afraid if we go to the Father in prayer, we may hear Him say “WAIT”
Our jobs provide a sense of security, BUT does He have something better in mind?
Are we willing to give it up so our future HE can realign
He wouldn’t ask for what wasn’t “BEST”, over time, we’ll find
Habits & addictions we know are wrong, but we try hard to justify
Should I watch THIS movie, read THIS book, what about that little “white lie”
Surely God will UNDERSTAND if we keep some things clutched high & dry
How about those harmful emotions & attitudes that our Father says “Give those to Me”
Possessively we clutch bitterness, resentment, guilt, prejudice…we don’t want Him to see
But He insists “open your hands wide”…oh how certainly it will set you free
So many times we clutch our money & possessions…like the child, “MINE” we declare
But the Lord gently urges “I love a cheerful giver so won’t you please share”?
“For I can MULTIPLY what you have beyond any dream you’ll dare”
“It all comes as a “GIFT” from MY hand, so don’t you think it’s only fair
That you give time & treasure to those for whom I ALSO care
Because even in that closed fist, I can make wealth disappear into thin air”
So what do YOU clutch so tightly…simply refuse to let IT go?
And in spite of love for the Lord, the answer is a resounding NO
Or what’s hiding in that DARK corner of your heart? Perhaps you don’t even know
It’s been buried there for so long…it will take HONEST self examination to bring it to light
But suppose I surrender it to Him, will I sleep better at night?
Will it bring “soundness” to my body, mind & spirit? Well, YES!!, it just might
So how about OPENING that clenched fist…see what the Father gives in return
As a generous loving Father, He’ll exchange what you hold with such concern
For something FAR better…a lesson we all need to one day learn
By: Maxine M.
Have you ever tried to remove something from the tightly clenched fist of a child?
RESISTANCE!! will occur even from one normally meek and mild
We may offer a “distraction”, but they are LEARY of being beguiled
The object may be detrimental to the child’s well-being and cause harm
But so often the fist is clenched even tighter…screaming in alarm
“MINE”, in a loud voice is declared…absent is their usual delightful charm
But the child doesn’t understand CONSEQUENCES, so the wisdom of the adult must prevail
The voice of responsibility must be 1st and foremost…whatever it will entail
To keep the child SAFE…if left to their own will, both will fail
Now, do we who are true children of the Heavenly Father also clench our fist?
Our way IS the right way for US…isn’t that what we adamantly insist
Tightly hold on to all those things on our “I WANT” list
Vigorously defend a relationship…the one WE think would make the perfect mate
Ignoring God’s inner-warnings till it may be too late
Afraid if we go to the Father in prayer, we may hear Him say “WAIT”
Our jobs provide a sense of security, BUT does He have something better in mind?
Are we willing to give it up so our future HE can realign
He wouldn’t ask for what wasn’t “BEST”, over time, we’ll find
Habits & addictions we know are wrong, but we try hard to justify
Should I watch THIS movie, read THIS book, what about that little “white lie”
Surely God will UNDERSTAND if we keep some things clutched high & dry
How about those harmful emotions & attitudes that our Father says “Give those to Me”
Possessively we clutch bitterness, resentment, guilt, prejudice…we don’t want Him to see
But He insists “open your hands wide”…oh how certainly it will set you free
So many times we clutch our money & possessions…like the child, “MINE” we declare
But the Lord gently urges “I love a cheerful giver so won’t you please share”?
“For I can MULTIPLY what you have beyond any dream you’ll dare”
“It all comes as a “GIFT” from MY hand, so don’t you think it’s only fair
That you give time & treasure to those for whom I ALSO care
Because even in that closed fist, I can make wealth disappear into thin air”
So what do YOU clutch so tightly…simply refuse to let IT go?
And in spite of love for the Lord, the answer is a resounding NO
Or what’s hiding in that DARK corner of your heart? Perhaps you don’t even know
It’s been buried there for so long…it will take HONEST self examination to bring it to light
But suppose I surrender it to Him, will I sleep better at night?
Will it bring “soundness” to my body, mind & spirit? Well, YES!!, it just might
So how about OPENING that clenched fist…see what the Father gives in return
As a generous loving Father, He’ll exchange what you hold with such concern
For something FAR better…a lesson we all need to one day learn