YES, WE Can!!
By: Maxine M.
During the last political campaign, “Yes, we can” was what we often heard the winner to say
Inspiring many with hope & encouragement at the end of a strenuous day
Promises were made that all troubles would be OVER…if you vote the right way
But what about the WE in “Yes WE can”…WHO was he referring to?
All the people of the nation…be it store clerks, doctor, teachers, or highway maintenance crew?
OR was it WE as in “We the government ELITE”…for only WE know what’s best for you
WE will decide what is done with all the tax money you pay
And very soon, WE the government will decide when & where you work, live & play
As “Big Brother”, WE watch your every move, guard the airways…rid them of what “RUSH” has to say
WE interpret the constitution…what our forefathers really meant
Perhaps WE even need to rewrite it…give it a more modern day socialist bent
By a redistribution of the wealth from those hard working and diligent
Because suddenly the “Yes, we can” has become JUST a political refrain…don’t you agree?
A distinct line drawn between ordinary working class & those of Ivy League degree
Boasting, WE the government will save you…we the government will set you free
But there’s another voice telling US “Yes, WE can” and this one is 100% true
Because as the collective family of true believers…those who believe, thru Christ’s death, life He would renew…
It’s the voice of our Saviour saying “Yes we can, this MY church CAN DO”
WE can be clever & prolific at getting our Lord’s message heard
By showing the love of Christ to the lost & forgotten…by sharing the Gospel, every heart can be stirred
How many of those jobless, homeless, elderly would appreciate a helpful, hopeful kind word
WE can look for Godly people to run for office…then get out the vote
PRAY for those already in office…those fighting so our values they can promote
Those who still believe in the fundamentals of the Constitution our forefathers wrote
WE can support stations & news sources that broadcast the TRUTH we seek
Help & encourage those caught in the economy’s downward spiral week after week
Be VIGILANT in prayer & worship, especially when everything looks so bleak
So, can we possibly fight corruption? Anyway WE can win?
Protect our children from abuse, stop the evils of abortion…the most helpless among men?
Can we light a FIRE in our churches so they once again truly RENOUNCE sin?
Take that Sunday message to make a difference at home, at work, anywhere in our land?
Can we rally OUR (believers) troops…reassure, encourage, and convert others to our heavenly bound band?
The resounding answer is YES!! YES, WE CAN…if we take an unwavering united stand
Now, the WE can also mean US as individuals with Jesus’ Holy Spirit living inside you
TOGETHER with Him, WE can face that financial ruin, divorce, surgery on that tumor that grew
Loss of a job, home, child, spouse, health, or retirement account…just to name a few
WE can fight the guilt from mistakes, DEAL with the consequences they brought
Conquer addictions, mend marriages, accept that pregnancy that wasn’t sought
Face a handicapped life, overcome loneliness & fear the years of hardship have bought
For with the very Creator of the Universe on our side, WE can accomplish any task we’re asked to do
AWESOME things of which the WE of “human government” doesn’t have a clue
And they also must one day answer to the Ultimate Higher Power…even those with an elitist view
So be calm!! Don’t worry and fret over what we hear them declare
But get FIRED UP with righteous anger and fight what is just plain unfair
KNOWING the NAME of Christ is the best weapon WE can bare
Confident WHATEVER is thrown our way, WE can endure
Remember we have 24/7 access to OUR Commander…the One holy & pure
Yes!! WE can win…believing & trusting our eternal future IS secure
By: Maxine M.
During the last political campaign, “Yes, we can” was what we often heard the winner to say
Inspiring many with hope & encouragement at the end of a strenuous day
Promises were made that all troubles would be OVER…if you vote the right way
But what about the WE in “Yes WE can”…WHO was he referring to?
All the people of the nation…be it store clerks, doctor, teachers, or highway maintenance crew?
OR was it WE as in “We the government ELITE”…for only WE know what’s best for you
WE will decide what is done with all the tax money you pay
And very soon, WE the government will decide when & where you work, live & play
As “Big Brother”, WE watch your every move, guard the airways…rid them of what “RUSH” has to say
WE interpret the constitution…what our forefathers really meant
Perhaps WE even need to rewrite it…give it a more modern day socialist bent
By a redistribution of the wealth from those hard working and diligent
Because suddenly the “Yes, we can” has become JUST a political refrain…don’t you agree?
A distinct line drawn between ordinary working class & those of Ivy League degree
Boasting, WE the government will save you…we the government will set you free
But there’s another voice telling US “Yes, WE can” and this one is 100% true
Because as the collective family of true believers…those who believe, thru Christ’s death, life He would renew…
It’s the voice of our Saviour saying “Yes we can, this MY church CAN DO”
WE can be clever & prolific at getting our Lord’s message heard
By showing the love of Christ to the lost & forgotten…by sharing the Gospel, every heart can be stirred
How many of those jobless, homeless, elderly would appreciate a helpful, hopeful kind word
WE can look for Godly people to run for office…then get out the vote
PRAY for those already in office…those fighting so our values they can promote
Those who still believe in the fundamentals of the Constitution our forefathers wrote
WE can support stations & news sources that broadcast the TRUTH we seek
Help & encourage those caught in the economy’s downward spiral week after week
Be VIGILANT in prayer & worship, especially when everything looks so bleak
So, can we possibly fight corruption? Anyway WE can win?
Protect our children from abuse, stop the evils of abortion…the most helpless among men?
Can we light a FIRE in our churches so they once again truly RENOUNCE sin?
Take that Sunday message to make a difference at home, at work, anywhere in our land?
Can we rally OUR (believers) troops…reassure, encourage, and convert others to our heavenly bound band?
The resounding answer is YES!! YES, WE CAN…if we take an unwavering united stand
Now, the WE can also mean US as individuals with Jesus’ Holy Spirit living inside you
TOGETHER with Him, WE can face that financial ruin, divorce, surgery on that tumor that grew
Loss of a job, home, child, spouse, health, or retirement account…just to name a few
WE can fight the guilt from mistakes, DEAL with the consequences they brought
Conquer addictions, mend marriages, accept that pregnancy that wasn’t sought
Face a handicapped life, overcome loneliness & fear the years of hardship have bought
For with the very Creator of the Universe on our side, WE can accomplish any task we’re asked to do
AWESOME things of which the WE of “human government” doesn’t have a clue
And they also must one day answer to the Ultimate Higher Power…even those with an elitist view
So be calm!! Don’t worry and fret over what we hear them declare
But get FIRED UP with righteous anger and fight what is just plain unfair
KNOWING the NAME of Christ is the best weapon WE can bare
Confident WHATEVER is thrown our way, WE can endure
Remember we have 24/7 access to OUR Commander…the One holy & pure
Yes!! WE can win…believing & trusting our eternal future IS secure