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Perilous Times!
By: Maxine M.

In latter days “PERILOUS TIMES” will come…the warning given by Paul
And over the centuries many believed that in their days they’d hear the trumpet’s call
As wars and rumors of wars abounded & terrible natural disasters would befall

Early church persecution, Roman domination…perilous times in so many ways
Famine, disease, plagues all threatened extinction in our forefather’s days
The shame of slavery, the “dirty thirties”, the Great Depression…the emotion of hopelessness conveys

In each era, many must have considered “latter days” to be in full force
How could life get even more perilous…but they were mistaken of course
For life did continue on…strength and perseverance found in a Higher source

But look around today!! Don’t we live in perilous times as well?
Our borders MUST be daily guarded…ever vigilant against another terrorist cell
The horrors of war, our brave young men & women still can tell

Doesn’t it feel like NATURE has a sword hanging over our head?
“Climate change” bringing storms of wind, rain, snow & ice everyday in the newspapers is read
WHEN & WHERE will the next volcano erupt…in our lifetime or our grandchildren’s instead?

There’s crisis’ in our schools, “luke warmers” in some churches, crime is on the rise
Obesity & drug abuse are at epidemic levels, common sense we often paralyze
Children are often at peril in their own home & every hour a battered woman dies

Babies in the womb are still in danger…even MORE so NOW
Government spending is out of control…we NEED to STOP it, but HOW?!
There’s push for the revival of the “FAIRNESS DOCTRINE”, free speech it will disallow

Irresponsible nations with nuclear warheads pose a daily threat, we all know
And cancer is even more prevalent than it was years ago
Car accidents & plane crashes provide greater danger than the old “wild west” could bestow

When has unemployment been as high or have long-time jobs been so unstable before?
Will each workday result in a “pink-slip” and the closing of a door?
Where is the “BAIL-OUT” help for the future of which the politicians swore?

You’d have to have been in a cave the last few months not to realize
YOUR money & retirement are in “GREAT PERIL” due to GREED & outright LIES
Our future security WIPED OUT! HOW? WHY?...are the mournful cries

Yes!! From Wall Street to Main Street, PERILOUS TIMES have arrived
Public TRUST is GONE, totally betrayed by schemes evil people have contrived
Big businesses have failed…only by God’s wisdom and Grace have some survived

These modern day perilous times encompass the earth…entirely world wide
Economics are in collapse and death lurks as schools, hospitals, cars can have bombs inside
Even pirates have made a there ANY safe place to hide?

So ARE these the days of which both Jesus & Paul said would surely come?
OR does the future hold EVEN GREATER trouble & stress…days dark & glum
If so, WHAT is our HOPE…where will our help come from?

Well, just like those in centuries past have learned, TRUE HOPE is from the LORD alone
And His rock solid promises…those totally set in stone
Like His promise of “I’ll never leave you. You’re the sheep of My pasture, the flock that I own”

“I KNOW where all those perilous pitfalls are hiding along your life’s path
Before you were even born, I numbered your days…I’ve done the math
I promise you’ll escape that ultimate HOUR of TRIAL…the day of the Father’s wrath”

“For those who are MINE will be RAPTURED away in the twinkling of an eye…none left behind
So, be not afraid as these last years, days or perhaps hours unwind
My Eternal Heaven will be SO worth it…Just keep this goal in mind”


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