What about Tomorrow?
By: Maxine M.
Time seems to move ever so slowly, but constantly marches onward without fail
We go about life working, playing, planning, dreaming and fighting whatever problems assail
Thinking that by OUR plans, OUR efforts, OUR wisdom we will prevail
Believing WE are masters of our fate, OUR ingenuity & determination will make life great
Yesterday’s “good times” band wagon was rolling…we were told “get on board before it’s too late”
Warning signs abounded but we closed eyes and ears to this debate
Smooth talking investors SEEMED to make so much sense
Like dominos, long established institutions fell…their stability a long time pretense
WE can’t FAIL, we’re too big, too important was their arrogant defense
So we basked in yesterday’s glory, ignoring the FACT we have little control
Now unknown days are ahead…days of stress that can take such a toll
Days of turmoil, chaos, uncertainty…tomorrow will I still be on the pay-roll?
For a great many CHANGES in life’s plans tomorrow may entail
Changes in employment, economic status…how long before our house is for sale?
Today’s prosperous path now must be changed to a more frugal trail
In these trying times the family unit can suddenly be torn apart
Today’s promises of love can vanish in tomorrow’s troubled heart
Lust, greed, envy, anger, jealousy…Satan has gleefully released as a firey dart
Our health also may change…today’s hidden problem tomorrow may become known
Even our children are VULNERABLE, enduring physical trials before they are grown
Nothing brings our head out of the clouds like realizing we’re merely flesh and bone
Today’s “needs” relied on The MARKETS for a big nest egg in future days
Buy now pay later, enjoy yourself, YOU deserve it…the modern day phrase
Cell phone, computer games, latest technology, electronic toys…all a must have craze
Did we NEED the “big gas guzzler” manly machine instead of the fuel efficient car?
A small “starter” home is a thing of the past…EASY CREDIT has raised desire’s bar
To patiently wait and save for a secure future…seems THAT is pushing common sense too far
So, WILL tomorrow bring even more trouble…what more bad news will we learn?
For our over-inflated economic bubble has burst…even the rich show concern
Today’s high prices may well be even higher tomorrow experts discern
Caught in a drastic downward spiral…will there be food on our table?
The future we THOUGHT was so certain, is it only a fable?
Even the wisest among us ask why…why has tomorrow become so unstable?
But shouldn’t THESE TIMES turn us to the ONE who does know what the future will be?
For HE isn’t shocked or surprised at whatever tomorrow has to decree
Many, in wide-eyed amazement, will say “please tell us, who is He?”
Giving us opportunity to tell them how from all the ages past…through everlasting eternity
God the Father has & will exist and that He sent His Son as a sacrifice to die on Calvary’s tree
That by His death & resurrection, ALL from tomorrow’s dark judgment, can be set free
With arms wide open the Son will declare today’s doubt & fear, for certainty, you can trade
If you believe in Me, I’ll rescue you from the MESS man has made
For “I AM” the ONLY guarantee of a bright tomorrow…otherwise, hope will continue to fade
Because for lost unbelievers, tomorrow means a day closer to the great tribulation test
But for MY children, in a twinkling of an eye, today’s trouble will be put to rest
So why DO you worry? Be not afraid, have faith that MY way is best
So it seems INEVITABLE that coming days will bring changes to our individual circumstance
Changes in priorities, some changes are beyond our control…as the world’s destiny will advance
But our final destination is by OUR choice, so choose JESUS!!…see how your life He’ll enhance
By: Maxine M.
Time seems to move ever so slowly, but constantly marches onward without fail
We go about life working, playing, planning, dreaming and fighting whatever problems assail
Thinking that by OUR plans, OUR efforts, OUR wisdom we will prevail
Believing WE are masters of our fate, OUR ingenuity & determination will make life great
Yesterday’s “good times” band wagon was rolling…we were told “get on board before it’s too late”
Warning signs abounded but we closed eyes and ears to this debate
Smooth talking investors SEEMED to make so much sense
Like dominos, long established institutions fell…their stability a long time pretense
WE can’t FAIL, we’re too big, too important was their arrogant defense
So we basked in yesterday’s glory, ignoring the FACT we have little control
Now unknown days are ahead…days of stress that can take such a toll
Days of turmoil, chaos, uncertainty…tomorrow will I still be on the pay-roll?
For a great many CHANGES in life’s plans tomorrow may entail
Changes in employment, economic status…how long before our house is for sale?
Today’s prosperous path now must be changed to a more frugal trail
In these trying times the family unit can suddenly be torn apart
Today’s promises of love can vanish in tomorrow’s troubled heart
Lust, greed, envy, anger, jealousy…Satan has gleefully released as a firey dart
Our health also may change…today’s hidden problem tomorrow may become known
Even our children are VULNERABLE, enduring physical trials before they are grown
Nothing brings our head out of the clouds like realizing we’re merely flesh and bone
Today’s “needs” relied on The MARKETS for a big nest egg in future days
Buy now pay later, enjoy yourself, YOU deserve it…the modern day phrase
Cell phone, computer games, latest technology, electronic toys…all a must have craze
Did we NEED the “big gas guzzler” manly machine instead of the fuel efficient car?
A small “starter” home is a thing of the past…EASY CREDIT has raised desire’s bar
To patiently wait and save for a secure future…seems THAT is pushing common sense too far
So, WILL tomorrow bring even more trouble…what more bad news will we learn?
For our over-inflated economic bubble has burst…even the rich show concern
Today’s high prices may well be even higher tomorrow experts discern
Caught in a drastic downward spiral…will there be food on our table?
The future we THOUGHT was so certain, is it only a fable?
Even the wisest among us ask why…why has tomorrow become so unstable?
But shouldn’t THESE TIMES turn us to the ONE who does know what the future will be?
For HE isn’t shocked or surprised at whatever tomorrow has to decree
Many, in wide-eyed amazement, will say “please tell us, who is He?”
Giving us opportunity to tell them how from all the ages past…through everlasting eternity
God the Father has & will exist and that He sent His Son as a sacrifice to die on Calvary’s tree
That by His death & resurrection, ALL from tomorrow’s dark judgment, can be set free
With arms wide open the Son will declare today’s doubt & fear, for certainty, you can trade
If you believe in Me, I’ll rescue you from the MESS man has made
For “I AM” the ONLY guarantee of a bright tomorrow…otherwise, hope will continue to fade
Because for lost unbelievers, tomorrow means a day closer to the great tribulation test
But for MY children, in a twinkling of an eye, today’s trouble will be put to rest
So why DO you worry? Be not afraid, have faith that MY way is best
So it seems INEVITABLE that coming days will bring changes to our individual circumstance
Changes in priorities, some changes are beyond our control…as the world’s destiny will advance
But our final destination is by OUR choice, so choose JESUS!!…see how your life He’ll enhance
It's been so long since I stopped by to visit. And I love the way you've updated your pictures, and such!
It was the hand of God that was upon my retirement. We didn't know it, (at the time) but one of my sons, had Leukemia. (Bob, my second to the youngest, who turned 39 years old, in mid Jan.) It's a rare, but treatable cancer, called; Hairy Cell Leukemia. Anyway, to make a long story short, I've been helping him, and going over to his house, about every day, for several monthes now. He's recovering! And we're believing for total remission. God IS good, and good all the time!
Anyhow, I thought it was time to check in with you, and to wish you God's best in everything!
God bless!
I am so sorry to hear about Bob's cancer but am PRAISING and giving Thanks to our Father for it being treatable! PTL! How did he find out that he had it...was he sick in the tummy or sleepy or what were his symptoms? I'm sure glad our Father is in charge of our lives and KNOWS how to place us and our comings and goings in order for His will to be done, Amen?! AMEN! :) I'm really glad He had you in a place that you were able to be there for Bob to help him get through all this...GOD IS GOOD, you are 100% correct Miss Marge! :) Thanks for letting me in on this so I can add Bob to my prayers and pray that he continues to get better and better!
Things are going great here as of right now. Brandon is home all this week for "spring break" so he is having fun playing lazy 14 year old boy...playing video games and watching movies with his old mom! :)
I am getting ready to post another poem from mom here either today or tomorrow. She sure has been busy "taking down words" from our Lord. She's been writing up a storm and I post them over at Rapture Ready also...I think she has a "fan base". :)
Kayla's belly is getting quite large now...she is in her 7th month now and due May 9th. We are all so excited for that youn 'un to be born! :) Did I tell you that my younger daughter Mandy (the one with Rhumatoid Arthtitis) got engaged on Christmas morning?! She and Brett plan a June 5th 2010 wedding (if we are still here that long from now...I do hope to be HOME by then but...we'll have to see what our Father's plan is, right?!).
Well, I had better git for now. Thanks again for getting in touch again, Marge. ALWAYS wonderful to hear from you, gal!
Love you!
I had a good laugh as I read your message on the Holy Spirit blog :)
Yes, Bob had an upset stomach, and he felt tired, and run down. The upset stomach, was because the spleen was involved. And of course, Leukemia makes a person extremely tired. But Bob's Leukocyte count is up to 2.2 now. Last week it was 1.8. It needs to be at 4.0 for Bob to be out in public, though. However, since Bob works for the State of WA., he has his office in his home! Good news there! And he's only used a few sick days, and continued to work. Which is a blessing, as it keeps his mind off how he feels, and connected to the outside world, his work, etc., too. I go over to his house once a day, and take care of lots of things. Plus, do his shopping, run errands, etc. It keeps me busy!
Congratulations on Mandy's Engagement! Wow! A lot going on in your family. And a Grandbaby in May! That is exciting! Be sure to let us know when your grandbaby is born, okay? I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. A girl, or boy? Or waiting until birth? Either way works :)
Things are also getting pretty exciting in the study of world events/Bible prophecy. Yesterday I saw a bumper sticker, that read:
Jesus is coming back
Look busy
And while I had to laugh, it was thought provoking.
People need the Lord.
Stop by and visit anytime, Judy! You know you're more than welcome!
And thank you for adding Bob to your prayer list. Prayer changes things! Amen.
Keep in touch!
God bless you, and your entire family!
I love your Mom's poems! They are a great blessing to many people, I'm quite sure. Thanks for posting them! And give her my love, too!