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Hurry!! SOON the Harvest!
By: Maxine M.

It’s spring again…time for the sowing of seeds, fulfilling man’s curse of endless toil
The constant renewing cycle of life…this sleeping and reawakening of the earth’s soil
The keeping of our Creator’s covenant…to which He is ever faithful and loyal

For He promised that springtime & harvest would continue till the end of days
Even amid the clouds His created sun would give its warming rays
That HIS “nature” would provide the needs of ALL His creatures in various ways

Because each plant contains SEED within itself…according to its kind
Grasses, herbs, trees carrying on their reproductive mission…as HE designed
All with a unique PURPOSE…as the ever changing seasons remind

So isn’t NOW the time we should contemplate planting our God given seeds?
Not just the carrying on of a physical family name & the joy to which that leads
But also those spiritual seeds that insure GROWTH so our Heavenly family can proceed

Seeds of confidence nourished by friendship-watered by tears, we often concede
Seeds of kindness sown in sincerity, a quiet inconspicuous good deed
Done at the PROMPTING of our “SEED SUPPLIER”, His inspiration WILL succeed

Tiny pearls of wisdom, seeds of encouragement, seeds of hope
Seeds of happiness…by love’s warming rays they will grow even on a dark shady slope
Bloom, blossom, survive those summer storms…simply learn to cope

Seeds of Faith grow BEST when by example are inclined
Strong roots develop when fertilizer & cultivation are combined
But the truth IS the DEATH of the seed & the LIFE of the new plant are intertwined

Because the ULTIMATE destiny of seed is to die then SPROUT & come to life again
From one seed MUCH MORE can be produced…a bountiful harvest for the bin
Like the SEED of God’s Word, that He PROMISED would NOT return VOID when declared among men

Now, Satan is the great imitator & he also desires to reproduce his evil deeds
Jesus told a story of how this enemy had secretly sown his hopper full of weeds
In the Father’s “Good Field”, also known as the world with all its intrinsic needs

He said, “lest the good seed be destroyed along with the bad, TOGETHER let them grow
Share the same conditions, opportunities, the sun, wind & rain I bestow
But at HARVEST TIME, there will be a “separating” the good into My barn…the bad burned in a pit below”

So for NOW his seeds of doubt grow among the hope of achieving our goal
This enemy’s seeds of depression alongside God’s love & optimism as a whole
We try to sow peace & tranquility, but his seeds of fear & anger take a toll

Are his evil pollens able to wither our tender growing leaf?
Can his fast growing skepticism crowd out the certainty of our core belief?
Will seed of trust & objectivity drown in his flood of misery & grief?

How can bigotry & bias grow side by side with justice & equality in the same field?
Animosity or goodwill, arrogance or humility…which will have the biggest yield?
When the enemy sows adversity & aggravation, is the fate of our joy & contentment sealed?

Does his transplanting of boredom into our life STOP our motivation in its tracks?
Are his weeds of luke-warm, half hearted obedience overshadowing the Gospel’s Rock solid facts?
The fact that salvation is by Jesus’ death & resurrection ALONE, not just how one ACTS

Now, we plant, someone else may water, BUT God gives the increase, as Paul rightly would say
So sow all the GOOD SEEDS you possibly can TODAY
Pull up, root out, destroy all the enemy’s weed you see along the way

Because the growing season maybe SHORT…HARVEST time is SOON to be here
That gathering of souls by the Angels when the Lord of the Harvest will appear
And the origin of the seeds we’ve sown will be perfectly clear


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