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Showing posts from August, 2009
What’s better than a Blackberry? By: Maxine M. Communication!! It’s been a dilemma ever since God confused man’s speech At the tower of “Babel” when humans tried to accomplish “works” far beyond their reach By confusion and bewilderment tribes were divided…a new language given to each And the resulting desire to convey thoughts & messages has brought great innovations New ideas to bring clarity & understanding between peoples across the nations And SPEED in conversing has been a long time GOAL in many occupations How to TALK when not face to face…what would that require? The old west saw men on fast horses spread news until the QUICKER telegraph wire Then the telephone…a good “party line” could spread news —“Did you know the Johnson barn was on fire?” From big wooden models hanging on the wall to the little princess, sleek and trim lined Now, cell phones search for a signal from the next...
The PLAN…Who Will Pay the Price? By: Maxine M. It’s all the buzz!! The subject of all the current news & late night talk shows All are discussing the purposed “government run” health care plan…will it bring RELIEF or WOES What do all those PAGES “really” mean…who for certain knows? How can you properly debate something you don’t understand? Who is going to pay? How much more in taxes can a government demand? Politicians know constituents will remember when entering the voting booth pen in hand So fear, confusion, anxiety reign!! Angry citizens raise a voice in protest Will someone else decide FOR them…what THEY THINK is best? Will those on a “fixed” income be vulnerable to what a medical board may suggest? Won’t this plan be a big DISADVANTAGE to those who had good insurance all along? Will my tax dollars pay for abortions…which I find morally WRONG?! Those with the power to decide, will TH...
And the Winner Is….? By: Maxine M. Every day the battle rages…two dispositions struggle to gain the upper hand Yes, a war of dominance between the carnal nature & a righteous spirit…which will take the winner’s stand Can the “GOOD” we want so much to do, overcome the power “SELF” can demand? A few malignant cells can eventually destroy all the healthy ones they surround And a red sock has the ability to turn a white one pink…not the other way around Good, clean, fresh country air can “reek” when an angry skunk is south bound Ever buy a big bag of apples you thought were all crisp, juicy & sweet But there, in the middle, is a spoiled one unfit to eat Spreading its decay to those near-by…never do the good make the bad complete Planning on making cookies only to find the brown sugar HARD…what to do? Remember mother’s trick? Seal it tight with a piece of bread…soon will be good as new Moisture from the bread transfer...