What’s better than a Blackberry? By: Maxine M. Communication!! It’s been a dilemma ever since God confused man’s speech At the tower of “Babel” when humans tried to accomplish “works” far beyond their reach By confusion and bewilderment tribes were divided…a new language given to each And the resulting desire to convey thoughts & messages has brought great innovations New ideas to bring clarity & understanding between peoples across the nations And SPEED in conversing has been a long time GOAL in many occupations How to TALK when not face to face…what would that require? The old west saw men on fast horses spread news until the QUICKER telegraph wire Then the telephone…a good “party line” could spread news —“Did you know the Johnson barn was on fire?” From big wooden models hanging on the wall to the little princess, sleek and trim lined Now, cell phones search for a signal from the next...
My mom Maxine's original poems and prose to PRAISE God and to help bring others to the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! Soon, and very Soon the Lord will call us who are saved to "Come up here" when His church will be Raptured. Personally, I can't wait!