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What’s better than a Blackberry?
By: Maxine M.

Communication!! It’s been a dilemma ever since God confused man’s speech
At the tower of “Babel” when humans tried to accomplish “works” far beyond their reach
By confusion and bewilderment tribes were divided…a new language given to each

And the resulting desire to convey thoughts & messages has brought great innovations
New ideas to bring clarity & understanding between peoples across the nations
And SPEED in conversing has been a long time GOAL in many occupations

How to TALK when not face to face…what would that require?
The old west saw men on fast horses spread news until the QUICKER telegraph wire
Then the telephone…a good “party line” could spread news —“Did you know the Johnson barn was on fire?”

From big wooden models hanging on the wall to the little princess, sleek and trim lined
Now, cell phones search for a signal from the next satellite aligned
Computers open up an entire new era…fast communication for those so inclined

Most “snail mail” has been replaced by email, texting, twittering…technology carried in your hand
“You NEED our latest device!” “NO!! Ours is better!” cries the competing brand
With IT, you can keep in constant contact…whatever you had planned

So nearly every person, young and old alike, has some sort of communication device
Everyone can now CHAT, be it important or trivial, nonsense or nice
Just PLEASE, don’t do it while trying to drive…use common sense’s advice!

But since creation, there’s been a FASTER way to communicate than anyone believed
Through PRAYER, we can TALK to our Father in the SWIFTEST way conceived
For our THOUGHTS, even those unspoken, instantly into His presence are received

And when life gets so terribly complicated…too painful for intelligent words to form
He understands our spirit’s groanings and provides comfort & reassurance through the storm
FAR BEYOND what any computer, phone or even blackberry can perform

From the soldier in the fox-hole to a family standing by a loved one’s bedside
A new employee’s 1st day on the job to the parents whose baby all night has cried
A student facing dreaded final tests to the athlete about to take the game winning play in stride

For those anxiously waiting a doctor’s report…storm clouds are gathering and there’s no place to hide
A whispered prayer can bring SWIFT relief…HOPE when spirits are in a “downward” slide
There’s not a faster way to converse…not by any method man has tried

Now, prayer is a PRIVILEGE, granted to everyone who calls in sincerity of heart
COMMUNICATION is the giving & receiving of information…some have developed into an art
But prayer is to commune INTIMATELY with our Saviour…NOTHING keeping you apart

So we’re urged to pray in every conceivable circumstance
Forgoing the help of any clever device, in spite of technical advance
Even Jesus’ disciples wanted to learn to properly pray…the inner spirit enhance

And Jesus said that prayer should express honor, thanksgiving, daily needs along with praise
Sincere thoughts and feelings…not just a well-turned repetitious phrase
Pray for others, pray for revival, pray for Jerusalem, pray we can persevere till the end of days

For if on the day the death angel comes and says – I’ve come to take you home, Heaven’s Glory share
OR the trumpet sounds & we’re caught up together in the air
Wouldn’t it be perfectly wonderful to be found in the middle of a prayer?!

Is there someone whom you haven’t talked to in a while?
There’s no excuses any more…just pick up one of your many phones and dial
A simple call may brighten a dreary day…bring a welcomed smile

And how about talking to the Heavenly Father? How long has it been?
Since you told Him all your inner feelings or confessed any secret sin?
Perhaps TODAY would be the 1st time? Go Ahead!! A joyous experience begin!


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