The PLAN…Who Will Pay the Price?
By: Maxine M.
It’s all the buzz!! The subject of all the current news & late night talk shows
All are discussing the purposed “government run” health care plan…will it bring RELIEF or WOES
What do all those PAGES “really” mean…who for certain knows?
How can you properly debate something you don’t understand?
Who is going to pay? How much more in taxes can a government demand?
Politicians know constituents will remember when entering the voting booth pen in hand
So fear, confusion, anxiety reign!! Angry citizens raise a voice in protest
Will someone else decide FOR them…what THEY THINK is best?
Will those on a “fixed” income be vulnerable to what a medical board may suggest?
Won’t this plan be a big DISADVANTAGE to those who had good insurance all along?
Will my tax dollars pay for abortions…which I find morally WRONG?!
Those with the power to decide, will THEY to THIS plan THEMSELVES belong?
The president says “It’s Urgent!! Pass SOMETHING now!!”…but doesn’t it matter whether it’s good or bad?
For RUSHING important decisions is one of the worst ideas any people ever had
Now consider this FACT, Senators haven’t actually even READ this bill…isn’t that sad?!
What may benefit some, could be DISASTER to those in a different life’s phase
Just what will be COVERED? Which conditions, drugs, so many questions to raise
So what’s the solution? Can we find a way out of this turbulent cloudy haze?
But, let’s thank GOD!! His all encompassing plan of Salvation has been transparent & bold
The details of this plan were proclaimed by the prophets…the out-come foretold
The plan contained a virgin birth, a lowly manger, DEITY would hold
A result of a one time SPECIAL BLESSING for a young humble Jewish maid
What a wonderful example for us as she simply accepted and obeyed
The absolute beauty of God’s plan IS…sin’s burden for a crown of righteousness we now can trade
For since Adam’s FALL, ALL have SINNED…an unchangeable fact
And the consequence of sin is DEATH…no matter how “GOOD” we think we act
But the plan included ONE SUFFICIENT payment…ONE way victory from defeat He could still extract
The ransom was Christ’s own Holy Blood, the “GIVER” of life dying on Calvary’s tree
The Sin-LESS sacrificed for the sin-FULL then resurrected in Glorious Majesty
Death Defeated!! God’s plan coming to fulfillment as He said it would be
Oh what an awesome plan and for us, It’s all completely FREE!!
Because He paid the entire price in full…now He’s our Saviour in every degree
And acceptance or rejection of the plan determines WHERE we’ll spend eternity
Can you see how INGENIOUS, yet simple, this plan is by a WISE Creator designed?
Doesn’t take a brilliant scholar, aged philosopher, or the most powerful politician we can find
But can be read, grasped, comprehended even by a young, common, uneducated mind
For a SINCERE Yes, Lord!! I believe, I accept your gift…that’s all that is required
A submitting of our will, releasing of all those worldly things we so desired
Good deeds & “works” should be the result of GRATITUDE that Grace has inspired
And the plan is clear and precise, as to those who REJECT or simply brush His plan aside
For there is no neutral ground, “he who is not with Me, is against Me” Jesus rightly cried
And a “NO” decision brings a DETERMINED JUDGEMENT…all hope of redemption LOST once you’ve died
So, while the Government’s plan is hotly debated…perhaps a vote in the fall
God’s plan needs a decision today!! Nothing else so affects us all
For His plan is COMPLETE & UNIQUE…no amendments added or deleted, no new ideas He needs to install
READ His plan from cover to cover…discover the LOVE that put it in place
Its coverage is fully extended to every soul in the entire human race
Receive the promises…by faith, ACCEPT His plan…reach out and embrace!
By: Maxine M.
It’s all the buzz!! The subject of all the current news & late night talk shows
All are discussing the purposed “government run” health care plan…will it bring RELIEF or WOES
What do all those PAGES “really” mean…who for certain knows?
How can you properly debate something you don’t understand?
Who is going to pay? How much more in taxes can a government demand?
Politicians know constituents will remember when entering the voting booth pen in hand
So fear, confusion, anxiety reign!! Angry citizens raise a voice in protest
Will someone else decide FOR them…what THEY THINK is best?
Will those on a “fixed” income be vulnerable to what a medical board may suggest?
Won’t this plan be a big DISADVANTAGE to those who had good insurance all along?
Will my tax dollars pay for abortions…which I find morally WRONG?!
Those with the power to decide, will THEY to THIS plan THEMSELVES belong?
The president says “It’s Urgent!! Pass SOMETHING now!!”…but doesn’t it matter whether it’s good or bad?
For RUSHING important decisions is one of the worst ideas any people ever had
Now consider this FACT, Senators haven’t actually even READ this bill…isn’t that sad?!
What may benefit some, could be DISASTER to those in a different life’s phase
Just what will be COVERED? Which conditions, drugs, so many questions to raise
So what’s the solution? Can we find a way out of this turbulent cloudy haze?
But, let’s thank GOD!! His all encompassing plan of Salvation has been transparent & bold
The details of this plan were proclaimed by the prophets…the out-come foretold
The plan contained a virgin birth, a lowly manger, DEITY would hold
A result of a one time SPECIAL BLESSING for a young humble Jewish maid
What a wonderful example for us as she simply accepted and obeyed
The absolute beauty of God’s plan IS…sin’s burden for a crown of righteousness we now can trade
For since Adam’s FALL, ALL have SINNED…an unchangeable fact
And the consequence of sin is DEATH…no matter how “GOOD” we think we act
But the plan included ONE SUFFICIENT payment…ONE way victory from defeat He could still extract
The ransom was Christ’s own Holy Blood, the “GIVER” of life dying on Calvary’s tree
The Sin-LESS sacrificed for the sin-FULL then resurrected in Glorious Majesty
Death Defeated!! God’s plan coming to fulfillment as He said it would be
Oh what an awesome plan and for us, It’s all completely FREE!!
Because He paid the entire price in full…now He’s our Saviour in every degree
And acceptance or rejection of the plan determines WHERE we’ll spend eternity
Can you see how INGENIOUS, yet simple, this plan is by a WISE Creator designed?
Doesn’t take a brilliant scholar, aged philosopher, or the most powerful politician we can find
But can be read, grasped, comprehended even by a young, common, uneducated mind
For a SINCERE Yes, Lord!! I believe, I accept your gift…that’s all that is required
A submitting of our will, releasing of all those worldly things we so desired
Good deeds & “works” should be the result of GRATITUDE that Grace has inspired
And the plan is clear and precise, as to those who REJECT or simply brush His plan aside
For there is no neutral ground, “he who is not with Me, is against Me” Jesus rightly cried
And a “NO” decision brings a DETERMINED JUDGEMENT…all hope of redemption LOST once you’ve died
So, while the Government’s plan is hotly debated…perhaps a vote in the fall
God’s plan needs a decision today!! Nothing else so affects us all
For His plan is COMPLETE & UNIQUE…no amendments added or deleted, no new ideas He needs to install
READ His plan from cover to cover…discover the LOVE that put it in place
Its coverage is fully extended to every soul in the entire human race
Receive the promises…by faith, ACCEPT His plan…reach out and embrace!