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Emmanuel…Here with Us
By: Maxine M.

There are many wonderful names given to Almighty God we could discuss today
Jehovah, Elahim, El-Shaddai … “I Am”, He said of Himself…forever this name will stay
But consider “EMMANUEL”, meaning “God with us”…with us in a special intimate way

Around Christmas, we sing ‘Come, oh come Emmanuel’ with voices raised on high
Acknowledging that God Himself became man…the ransom for sin He’d provide
For 30 + years He walked on earth…GOD with us…before He sacrificially died

His followers thought His ministry was OVER, that He’d been defeated
But by His RESURRECTION He’d WON and His victory, in us, can now be repeated
Then He promised a comforter, as at the Father’s right hand He now is seated

And we await His return, LISTENING for a trumpet to announce the gathering in the sky
But Emmanuel is STILL HERE with us…aid, support and comfort to supply
Dwelling in the heart of every true believer…a solid pillar on which we can rely

We are in awe of the Father, love Jesus as our Brother, but does the Holy Spirit get His proper due?
Do we fully comprehend the fact…GOD IS HERE, abiding with me and you?
A constant companion to put everything in perspective…attitudes renew

Imagine!! God taking RESIDENCE in the temple of OUR bodies to help direct and reassure
In every stressful situation and trial and to KEEP us through temptations that so allure
For we have access to HIS strength, wisdom & ability to endure

Empowering us to spread His message…His Great Commission fulfill
Telling over & over the story of Jesus who, for OUR sin, His blood, would willingly spill
How every soul has a CHOICE to accept eternal life…IF they will

So remember, as a Christian, Emmanuel goes where we go…knows everything we do
Sees what we see…watch that risqué violent movie…He sees it too
Oh, how He must cringe at some of the words OUR mouths can spew!

Will we retain immoral thoughts when we consider Emmanuel is our guest?
Do we take lightly His commandments; speak of Him only in jest?
Shouldn’t conforming to a Christ-like image be our daily quest?

Now, we are not to grieve the Holy Spirit by giving sway to anger, bitterness & malice
Listen!! When He urges, reach out in love, forgive…don’t let your heart be callus
Treat YOUR body with respect, for HE deserves to live in a royal palace

He’s unable to perform His mission as “Helper” if drugs and alcohol have numbed our mind
An unhealthy body from misuse means our service has to be realigned
Visualize Emmanuel when, to Satan’s schemes, we suddenly become blind

Fear, anxiety & worry inhibit His ability to sooth, encourage & guide
By dulling His inner promptings on the things we must decide
Oh, how we need to be in submission to HIS Lordship…let His wisdom be applied

Let Emmanuel remind us of how Satan again & again has lied
And He can reveal that old Serpent’s DECEPTIONS that he cleverly spread far & wide
Like the falsehood that WE are in control…find confidence in OUR arrogance & pride

Because Emmanuel is hushed when His voice is silently pushed aside
And for a true believer, their inner-peace will ebb like the ocean’s low tide
Only returning when brokenly, in true repentance, we’ve cried

For He is able to “translate” our inner-groanings that even we don’t understand
He will teach us all things; provide illumination for the problem at hand
A Divine Counselor whose sanctifying work leads us to obey God’s command

So there are many appropriate names for God…all show His Holiness will excel
Alpha, Omega, Root & offspring of David, the Bright & Morning Star, with whom one day we will dwell
But in this busy, often catastrophe world, find solace in EMMANUEL


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