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You’re Hired!!
By: Maxine M.

Work!! Ordained by the Creator, but to be accomplished in six days
The rest on the 7th, giving glory & worship to Him for His marvelous holy ways
So we labor and toil at our various tasks, menial or professional, the best one that pays

We work to feed our families, provide daily needs…perhaps there’s a crisis to be met
Work to avoid or alleviate ourselves from the burden of accumulating debt
Hoping to put enough away for a “nest egg” when retirement age is set

But in today’s economy, it’s a possibility you’re laid off or will be soon
Jobs are in jeopardy…from the computer expert to the day-care worker done by noon
Even teachers & nurses may see job losses or benefit cuts while bills balloon

From mechanic to cooks, lawyer or court reports…all want to work as they are skilled
The Dr., the accountant, the farmer who feeds the nation from land he has tilled
All are wondering what DOES the future hold? Will MY dreams be fulfilled?

If I suddenly lose MY job, what in the world will I do?
Whether you’re the boss or employee, life will be seen from a different point of view
So, is your security in your job? Is IT what really defines you?

A job or even a profession SHOULDN’T be the pillar on which we rely
For all “secular” work will end when the time of our DEPARTURE is drawing nigh
But the WORK done on the Father’s behalf will receive a “well done” reply

Because the Lord has work for everyone…can use ALL who will humbly bow
He CAN use YOU, whether working, retired, unemployed, or between jobs right now
In spite of age, educational status or what your physical condition will allow

Yes!! YOU can be useful in His Service with the “GIFTS” He’s given YOU
Your outlook need not be dark or vague but the future can be bright and new
For the Father has a planned purpose…something specific for you to do

Now, “working” for the Lord isn’t just a full time church ministry by any means
That “stay at home mom” can be praying for others while she cooks and cleans
By raising Godly children and influencing grandchildren well beyond their teens

Perhaps you have a good singing voice, but a music career you’ve never gotten to pursue
How about the church choir? Vocalizing the “Sweet old Story”…pure and true
So the Lord CAN use YOU…maybe this is what you were always meant to do

Some can’t carry a tune in a bucket and speaking in public ISN’T their gift
But all can be an “ENCOURAGER” or “prayer warrior”…give someone’s day a lift
Or watch the children of those tired from working a double shift

He can use one to volunteer to visit the sick or mow the church grass
Repair the roof, apply a fresh coat of paint, wash the windows of stained glass
Greet strangers, write the bulletin, teach a Sunday school class

Assist that older faithful saint whose back is stooped & fingers curled
Faithful in sharing their wealth…in supporting missions around the world
By their time, talent & treasure, the love of Christ is gently unfurled

That meal provided for a sick neighbor or friend…Christ’s love in action is what was meant
Witnessing can be face to face or by a “modern day” method sent
WORKING for the Lord will be the greatest time & energy you’ve ever spent

For the Lord said “Whatever you’re hand finds to do, do it with all your might”
So be it your secular job or working for Him, quietly behind the spotlight
Do all for HIS GLORY, so like Paul we can say “I’ve fought the good fight”

Make it all you’re BEST effort…offer it as a sacrifice to the Lord
And when our WAIT is over, let’s be found BUSY, not simply bored
Then we can rejoice that we “WORKED” out of GRATITUDE…not just to gain earthly reward


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