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Showing posts from October, 2009
This Too Shall Pass By: Maxine M. Ever have those days where you just want to go back and start it over again? Nothing seems to have gone right from the very start…a day when there is no way to win Perhaps the washer has flooded the basement…at a FIX, where do you begin? Or, you’re late for work already & now your child is sick Your assistant messed up your reports…how COULD they be so thick Deadlines are due…does anyone know some magical computer trick? A late fall weather system arrived last night, now your car is buried in snow You’re tempted to miss work but your conscience says “you have to go” You’ve “scooped” it out, NOW a spark the battery will no longer bestow Rush hour traffic, a “bad hair” day, a flat tire, a broken heel Muddy foot prints, that burnt roast for a “company” meal A computer virus, lost homework, a runner in a stocking you can not conceal The list of examples is endless…things that can m...
Can You Trust the Obvious? By: Maxine M. Centuries ago man declared, “The earth is flat, as you can plainly see!” Go far enough and you’ll fall off…this, their solemn decree But some pondered its truth…determined to see for themselves before they’d agree Columbus was such a man…who questioned the obvious & had the courage to GO Sailing days upon days, charting a course wherever the west wind would blow Driven on by his faith that success for his journey, his Creator would bestow And behold, a new land was discovered…a wonderful world beyond his wildest dreams Abundant in wildlife, lofty forests, majestic mountains, unpolluted streams Did it ever occur to him that this would one day be a mighty nation bursting at its seams? Well, the earth STILL LOOKS flat even tho we’ve now observed it from space An incredible ROUND sphere that only a Creator could have put in place So it’s TRUTH, not the obvious, we need t...
Childlike Faith By: Maxine M. A short time ago, a long-time politician was laid to rest The last of the patriotic brothers…in America, their lives they’d invest People lined the streets expressing grief, paying tribute & honor with considerable zest A crowd gathered on the Capital’s steps engrossed in this somber affair But did you notice the small children quietly playing without a care? Just having fun, making faces at each other while parents were unaware Wiggling & anxious to be on with life…shed those “good” clothes that must stay clean Unconcerned what “Teddy’s” passing would bring to the political scene Confident & trusting their parents would keep life safe & serene For children are children in spite of color, nationality or religious creed Where prejudice hasn’t been formed, childlike acceptance will intercede They’re refreshingly innocent…not yet carrying our burden of ‘will I succeed’ T...
READY for Trouble? By: Maxine M. Ever studied the book of Job? What a treasure house of wisdom for us today God declared him a blameless & upright servant…in return; God blessed him in every way The book tells how DAILY he prayed for his children, lest they should stray How his employees were happy, how he helped the fatherless & widows, gave to the poor Was hospitable to strangers…his home policy was an “open” door How he walked in honesty & humility, feared his Creator…any form of evil he’d abhor Yes!! He was very successful…a prosperous wealthy man indeed A greatly respected community leader…a moral way of life his creed A wonderful example for us all, IF we just follow his lead But Satan was jealous (his very nature) of God & Job’s relationship Asking, “Does he serve you for nothing? Take Your hand away, let him know adversity’s whip Of everything he holds dear…finances, reputation, ch...