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This Too Shall Pass
By: Maxine M.

Ever have those days where you just want to go back and start it over again?
Nothing seems to have gone right from the very start…a day when there is no way to win
Perhaps the washer has flooded the basement…at a FIX, where do you begin?

Or, you’re late for work already & now your child is sick
Your assistant messed up your reports…how COULD they be so thick
Deadlines are due…does anyone know some magical computer trick?

A late fall weather system arrived last night, now your car is buried in snow
You’re tempted to miss work but your conscience says “you have to go”
You’ve “scooped” it out, NOW a spark the battery will no longer bestow

Rush hour traffic, a “bad hair” day, a flat tire, a broken heel
Muddy foot prints, that burnt roast for a “company” meal
A computer virus, lost homework, a runner in a stocking you can not conceal

The list of examples is endless…things that can make a day go awry
When in stress and discouragement we could simply sit down & cry
Or in anger, we can take out our exasperation out on others in reply

But instead, let’s bring Psalm 118:24 to the forefront of our mind
“This is the day the Lord has made”…what greater reassurance could we find?
For if THIS day is from God, He must have a purpose…but irritations have made us blind

His word declares every day is a blessing…even those that seem so perplexing
And there were SOME good parts to this day to be thankful for, I’m suspecting
Basic needs of food, shelter, companionship WERE met…so spend some time reflecting

Now, some TROUBLE lasts longer than just a “bad” day here and there
For THOSE “life changing” situations that can catch us by surprise, how can we prepare?
But in THESE times of helplessness, our Father provides strength & comfort…if we’re only aware

Through words of ENCOURAGEMENT spoken…we know someone truly cares
The consolation & solace of being supported by their faithful prayers
By His wonderful promise of “I will not give more trouble than you can bear”

Finding confidence in His GUARANTEE of “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you”
Through these days of pain, grief, sorrow, loneliness, hardship…His love each morning is NEW
He knew all these emotions also as He hung, dying on the cross for you

He knows it’s through these HARD days that we learn & grow
By learning diligence & perseverance, we can find peace when stormy winds start to brew
It’s when Faith & Trust are under fire that our allegiance to Him we can show

Since it’s TRUE, the Lord has MADE & GIVEN us each day, in which to rejoice & be glad
Whether it’s a few days of frustration when “things” happen and we complain & call them BAD
Or those lasting a while, just consider them “BUILDING” days that to our character add

Confident in our Salvation…firmly on His promises as a child of His stands
Knowing, whatever the day may bring, we can be equal to its demands
Doing it JOYFULLY by putting EVERY day in God’s competent hands

Then, when a GOOD day comes (for God says “This too soon will be past”)
A day when all goes “right”, a surprise blessing…for His store-house of Grace is vast
We can look FORWARD in Hope to that ULTIMATE day when we hear the Trumpet’s blast


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