Can You Trust the Obvious?
By: Maxine M.
Centuries ago man declared, “The earth is flat, as you can plainly see!”
Go far enough and you’ll fall off…this, their solemn decree
But some pondered its truth…determined to see for themselves before they’d agree
Columbus was such a man…who questioned the obvious & had the courage to GO
Sailing days upon days, charting a course wherever the west wind would blow
Driven on by his faith that success for his journey, his Creator would bestow
And behold, a new land was discovered…a wonderful world beyond his wildest dreams
Abundant in wildlife, lofty forests, majestic mountains, unpolluted streams
Did it ever occur to him that this would one day be a mighty nation bursting at its seams?
Well, the earth STILL LOOKS flat even tho we’ve now observed it from space
An incredible ROUND sphere that only a Creator could have put in place
So it’s TRUTH, not the obvious, we need to embrace
Long before Columbus’ adventure, a man from Galilee made His public debut
His kind gentle spirit & words of wisdom often, large crowds, drew
News spread of miracles performed, hungry fed, teaching from a new point of view
They acknowledged He was different, but their long awaited Messiah? They didn’t have a clue
His healing touch was sought…asking, in faith, was all they needed to do
But, did they come out of curiosity OR conviction? Those who TRULY followed were few
The jealousy invaded the hearts of religious leaders…soon they plotted to kill
To prevent Him from becoming more important than themselves…His message, they’d have to still
So, by 30 pieces of silver, they sought their mission they’d fulfill
By lies & insinuations, they accomplished their evil undertaking
The crowd, by their loud agreement in this sin of unbelief, was gladly partaking
Dragging Him to Calvary’s Cross…all reason & compassion forsaking
Stinging taunts, insults & jeers…they celebrated where their malicious envy had led
But from the cross, forgiveness was extended…a promise of paradise was said
He DIED alone, nearly abandoned, for followers had turned & fled
STRIKE the Shepherd and the sheep will scatter…the message intended
All that remained were John, His mother Mary, and a few women He’d befriended
When they took His body down, wasn’t it OBVIOUS His brief ministry had ended?
OBVIOUSLY He wasn’t the Messiah they had been LOOKING & WAITING for
Wouldn’t a Messiah have come as a CONQUEROR…freedom from Rome restore?
All the prophecies He fulfilled, these SKEPTICS simply CHOSE to ignore
Declaring He was just another “insurgent”, not the Son of God, as some swore
Thinking, it will be quickly forgotten, how His words produced GUILT in man’s inner core
Because now it’s OVER & the Pharisees need not worry about Him anymore
WRONG!! For on the 3rd day, He ROSE again…death had been cheated!!
All of Satan’s plans had been FOILED…God Almighty’s SUPERIORITY had to be conceded
For the cold dark tomb was EMPTY…the Father’s plan of Salvation was COMPLETED
Making what seemed an OBVIOUS defeat into the ultimate victory…for those who believe
But somehow, the fact that God would DIE for US is hard to perceive
Thus, giving Satan another chance for doubt, into our lives, weave
So it’s CLEAR that we need to look beyond the obvious…at life take a closer look
Like Columbus, explore…as he fought discouraging waves, did whatever it took
Discovering for himself the falseness of believed facts…old fables, forsook
Today, let’s examine the absolute Truth that God’s Holy Book states
Have you explored the depth of its riches…reveled in the joy & peace it creates?
Because it’s obvious its path will lead to entrance through the Pearly Gates
By: Maxine M.
Centuries ago man declared, “The earth is flat, as you can plainly see!”
Go far enough and you’ll fall off…this, their solemn decree
But some pondered its truth…determined to see for themselves before they’d agree
Columbus was such a man…who questioned the obvious & had the courage to GO
Sailing days upon days, charting a course wherever the west wind would blow
Driven on by his faith that success for his journey, his Creator would bestow
And behold, a new land was discovered…a wonderful world beyond his wildest dreams
Abundant in wildlife, lofty forests, majestic mountains, unpolluted streams
Did it ever occur to him that this would one day be a mighty nation bursting at its seams?
Well, the earth STILL LOOKS flat even tho we’ve now observed it from space
An incredible ROUND sphere that only a Creator could have put in place
So it’s TRUTH, not the obvious, we need to embrace
Long before Columbus’ adventure, a man from Galilee made His public debut
His kind gentle spirit & words of wisdom often, large crowds, drew
News spread of miracles performed, hungry fed, teaching from a new point of view
They acknowledged He was different, but their long awaited Messiah? They didn’t have a clue
His healing touch was sought…asking, in faith, was all they needed to do
But, did they come out of curiosity OR conviction? Those who TRULY followed were few
The jealousy invaded the hearts of religious leaders…soon they plotted to kill
To prevent Him from becoming more important than themselves…His message, they’d have to still
So, by 30 pieces of silver, they sought their mission they’d fulfill
By lies & insinuations, they accomplished their evil undertaking
The crowd, by their loud agreement in this sin of unbelief, was gladly partaking
Dragging Him to Calvary’s Cross…all reason & compassion forsaking
Stinging taunts, insults & jeers…they celebrated where their malicious envy had led
But from the cross, forgiveness was extended…a promise of paradise was said
He DIED alone, nearly abandoned, for followers had turned & fled
STRIKE the Shepherd and the sheep will scatter…the message intended
All that remained were John, His mother Mary, and a few women He’d befriended
When they took His body down, wasn’t it OBVIOUS His brief ministry had ended?
OBVIOUSLY He wasn’t the Messiah they had been LOOKING & WAITING for
Wouldn’t a Messiah have come as a CONQUEROR…freedom from Rome restore?
All the prophecies He fulfilled, these SKEPTICS simply CHOSE to ignore
Declaring He was just another “insurgent”, not the Son of God, as some swore
Thinking, it will be quickly forgotten, how His words produced GUILT in man’s inner core
Because now it’s OVER & the Pharisees need not worry about Him anymore
WRONG!! For on the 3rd day, He ROSE again…death had been cheated!!
All of Satan’s plans had been FOILED…God Almighty’s SUPERIORITY had to be conceded
For the cold dark tomb was EMPTY…the Father’s plan of Salvation was COMPLETED
Making what seemed an OBVIOUS defeat into the ultimate victory…for those who believe
But somehow, the fact that God would DIE for US is hard to perceive
Thus, giving Satan another chance for doubt, into our lives, weave
So it’s CLEAR that we need to look beyond the obvious…at life take a closer look
Like Columbus, explore…as he fought discouraging waves, did whatever it took
Discovering for himself the falseness of believed facts…old fables, forsook
Today, let’s examine the absolute Truth that God’s Holy Book states
Have you explored the depth of its riches…reveled in the joy & peace it creates?
Because it’s obvious its path will lead to entrance through the Pearly Gates