Pick Up Your Torch
By: Maxine M.
Moses!! God’s humble servant yet mighty leader, was called to the top of Mt. Nebo
There, he was permitted to see all the Promised Land but not one day, there, would he know
The harsh punishment for a moment of pride & anger…oh, to know his thoughts as he viewed the Jordan below!
But even this land of “milk & honey” couldn’t compare to the splendor he was about to see
No more earthly trials & overwhelming responsibilities…by God’s Grace, set entirely free
Satan argued for his body, but God refused, saying, in the tribulation he’ll be a witness for Me
Thus, God told Joshua “Pick up the torch.” “As I was with Moses, I’ll be with you”
“Be courageous, lead My people…mighty, heroic deeds I’ll have you do”
And before he died, Joshua told Israel, “Follow the Lord your God…to His covenant, be true”
Then in the days of Israel’s evil King Ahab, there was heard Elijah’s warning cry
Warning of God’s judgment because their idol worship was an atrocious lie
Then, while hiding, he heard a still small voice…after the wind, fire & earthquake had passed by
The voice said anoint Elisha as My prophet in your place…that’s My desire
Then one day, as they walked together, Elijah was TAKEN up by a chariot of fire
And, when Elisha PICKED UP his mantel, a double portion of his Spirit he would acquire
So he carried on the prophetic work that Elijah had started
For God provides a competent “UNDERSTUDY” whenever a special Spiritual light has departed
Those who will give God’s mission full attention…not be indifferent or half-hearted
At Christmas we celebrate GOD Himself coming to Earth…the very BRIGHTEST Light of all
Coming to spread the GOOD NEWS that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand…for those who answer His call
He groomed a chosen FEW…tutoring, guiding, making a complete over-haul
Explaining that His time here on Earth was short and He’d soon have to leave
But that they would receive a “Comforter” so they need not grieve
The awesomeness of the task before them…they couldn’t totally perceive
For they were to pick up the torch & CARRY forth what He had taught
Be witnesses to the “WAY of Salvation” that His death and resurrection brought
A new way of life for these simple humble men…boldness of speech was now sought
Jesus commissioned them to establish one universal church…with TRUE believers they were to build
An IMPOSSIBLE task, except they would be with the Holy Spirit filled
A mission that lead most to a Martyr’s death…one by one, killed
Standing firm in their faith, but controversy ones Jesus’ life still rages
By Holy inspiration, they helped write God’s message in the Bible’s Holy pages
Thus, passing on the Truth to those who would follow down through the ages
Now, who are your MENTORS? Whose torch do you esteem as burning bright?
Their life’s example gives strength & encouragement…when yours never seems to go right
Their love for Christ & words of wisdom can quickly bring you back to the light
But their time too will end and you’ll need to pick up a torch of your own
Do difficult things, with His help…things you could never do alone
But you CAN hold the torch high…walk the path their light has shown
Like an Olympic runner, pass the torch to the next runner when our lap is complete
Tell the following generation to be “READY”; it’s their turn…the GOOD NEWS to repeat
Be ready for the Glorious Day when our Lord, face to face, we’ll finally greet
By: Maxine M.
Moses!! God’s humble servant yet mighty leader, was called to the top of Mt. Nebo
There, he was permitted to see all the Promised Land but not one day, there, would he know
The harsh punishment for a moment of pride & anger…oh, to know his thoughts as he viewed the Jordan below!
But even this land of “milk & honey” couldn’t compare to the splendor he was about to see
No more earthly trials & overwhelming responsibilities…by God’s Grace, set entirely free
Satan argued for his body, but God refused, saying, in the tribulation he’ll be a witness for Me
Thus, God told Joshua “Pick up the torch.” “As I was with Moses, I’ll be with you”
“Be courageous, lead My people…mighty, heroic deeds I’ll have you do”
And before he died, Joshua told Israel, “Follow the Lord your God…to His covenant, be true”
Then in the days of Israel’s evil King Ahab, there was heard Elijah’s warning cry
Warning of God’s judgment because their idol worship was an atrocious lie
Then, while hiding, he heard a still small voice…after the wind, fire & earthquake had passed by
The voice said anoint Elisha as My prophet in your place…that’s My desire
Then one day, as they walked together, Elijah was TAKEN up by a chariot of fire
And, when Elisha PICKED UP his mantel, a double portion of his Spirit he would acquire
So he carried on the prophetic work that Elijah had started
For God provides a competent “UNDERSTUDY” whenever a special Spiritual light has departed
Those who will give God’s mission full attention…not be indifferent or half-hearted
At Christmas we celebrate GOD Himself coming to Earth…the very BRIGHTEST Light of all
Coming to spread the GOOD NEWS that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand…for those who answer His call
He groomed a chosen FEW…tutoring, guiding, making a complete over-haul
Explaining that His time here on Earth was short and He’d soon have to leave
But that they would receive a “Comforter” so they need not grieve
The awesomeness of the task before them…they couldn’t totally perceive
For they were to pick up the torch & CARRY forth what He had taught
Be witnesses to the “WAY of Salvation” that His death and resurrection brought
A new way of life for these simple humble men…boldness of speech was now sought
Jesus commissioned them to establish one universal church…with TRUE believers they were to build
An IMPOSSIBLE task, except they would be with the Holy Spirit filled
A mission that lead most to a Martyr’s death…one by one, killed
Standing firm in their faith, but controversy ones Jesus’ life still rages
By Holy inspiration, they helped write God’s message in the Bible’s Holy pages
Thus, passing on the Truth to those who would follow down through the ages
Now, who are your MENTORS? Whose torch do you esteem as burning bright?
Their life’s example gives strength & encouragement…when yours never seems to go right
Their love for Christ & words of wisdom can quickly bring you back to the light
But their time too will end and you’ll need to pick up a torch of your own
Do difficult things, with His help…things you could never do alone
But you CAN hold the torch high…walk the path their light has shown
Like an Olympic runner, pass the torch to the next runner when our lap is complete
Tell the following generation to be “READY”; it’s their turn…the GOOD NEWS to repeat
Be ready for the Glorious Day when our Lord, face to face, we’ll finally greet
has your mom any kid friendly poems laying around regarding Christmas? my son is 7 and needs a poem to recite for the Christmas program on Dec 11th.
your grandbaby is quite cute btw