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In The Coming Days…
By: Maxine M.

Did life as a child seem calm and serene…goals back then were easy to obtain?
Your parents taught the “Golden Rule” & that by honesty & hard work prosperity would reign
Provide a better future for your children, their instruction would contain

And that THROUGH the hard times, faith in God & country would sustain
Christ’s inner-peace will shine…like glimmering stars after the rain
All so true!! But doesn’t it NOW appear the world around us has gone INSANE?

Our founding father’s ideals & principles, they’re trying to eliminate or at least rearrange
Long established foreign & domestic policies are undergoing a huge change
Personal freedoms and choices are being LIMITED & it all seems SO strange

Worry, anxiety & misgivings fill each day…Is there ANY GOOD news to share?
A soldier’s heroic deeds are over shadowed by a celebrity’s latest affair
Nature APPEARS angry…there’s meteorite sightings, volcanic eruptions, ashes everywhere

World wide earthquakes, as if the planet is being shaken by an unseen hand
Unstable, irrational nations are acquiring nuclear weapons…WHAT can they have planned?
And what happens if China suddenly makes a FULL repayment demand?

Instead of just a poor economy, wouldn’t it mean total financial collapse?
Now, Satan KNOWS how we love to over-indulge…could this be ONE of his DECEPTIVE traps?
Is all this CHAOS leading to his revealing of the Anti-Christ? Perhaps

Often we wonder which young dynamic political figure the old Serpent will pick
One SEEMINGLY wise & cunning, but inside REALLY diabolically sick
Unquestionably he’ll be Satan’s PAWN, as history’s clock winds down tick by tick

In coming days, today’s stresses will seem as child’s play after awhile
Wickedness at its peak…under the leadership of one so corrupt & vile
But God has promised that BELIEVERS would be KEPT from the FULL-BLOWN “hour of trial”

Just as He said wheat would be separated from weeds when the harvest is gleaned
He would rescue those alive or dead…that, by His Son’s death & resurrection, have been redeemed
At the awesome trumpet sound, we’ll be “caught up” to a Glory of which we’ve only dreamed

The “SAVED” dead rise first, REUNITED with their soul that went on to the Father before
Then those alive & remaining will be CHANGED from the old tired earthly body we wore
All in a moment in time…like John, INVITED to COME UP to Heaven’s open door

Those left behind won’t have a CLUE…how could so many just disappear?
But the Anti-Christ will tell them that NOW, under his authority, they have nothing to fear
Like sheep to the slaughter, they will follow the outrageous lies they hear

Only to find out it’s their REJECTION of Christ that has sealed their fate
And that the charming Anti-Christ is in reality a beast full of hideous hate
And now it’s the “Great White Throne” Judgment they await

For Jesus said that one day in the future, true Christians will rejoice at the trumpet’s sweet refrain
But those who live in opposition to Christ will be covered in shame
So don’t live in fear of whatever “SHOCKING” news the headlines proclaim

Because in the troublesome days, the “RAPTURE” is the HOPE to which God’s children cling
Don’t focus on the evil, remember your parent’s teaching…look for blessings in the LITTLE thing
And the ASSURED promise, when the tribulation starts, we’ll be SAFE with Christ our KING


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