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Multiple Divisions
By: Maxine M.

In battle, the area between combatants is referred to as “no-man’s land”
Could there be a more dangerous place for a casual observer to stand?
One side or the other must be chosen…decide if its friend or foe at hand

So if, as a nation, we’re a people divided, how can we possibly avoid disaster?
The bible warns that a kingdom divided will surely fall…and it’s an UNQUESTIONABLY PRECISE forecaster!
Now with wars abroad, fighting in Congress, indebtedness to China, won’t our demise come even faster?

Has our policy towards Israel CHANGED?...since our TRUE allies are very few
But God told Abram “I’ll bless those who bless you & curse those who curse you”
Isn’t that a SCARY thought…to be a nation cursed by God & we know His words are true

Seems like recently fear & apprehension are in the back of everyone’s mind
CHANGES are underway…new laws, for a better way of life we are TOLD they are designed
OR do they allow government to DICTATE…as every POWER-HUNGRY leader is inclined

Opinions vary and time will be the ultimate revealer of who’s right
For certain, they will mean a financial burden for some…when money is already tight!
But others will find relief, so the debate goes election should be a REAL fight

Evidence once again there’s DIVISION amongst us…which side will excel?
With fraud & corruption in government, in big business, and even in our own lives as well
Whom CAN you trust? How can trust & error in the same society dwell?

Our homes also resemble a battle field on particular days
Lines are drawn, children caught in the middle… “no-man’s land” phase
The hurts inflicted in these wars may heal but a scar forever stays

Vows are broken, trust destroyed, COMMITMENT goes by the way-side
Loyalty, fidelity, devotion that joined them as ONE is now a chasm a mile wide
A once happy home is DIVIDED for somewhere along the way love DIED

Battles often rage between parents & children or among siblings in constant conflict
One struggles for independence, the other for dominance by being overly strict
When hearts are divided, a family will surely fail…the bible would predict

The Church, born at Pentecost, would quickly be invaded by disunity & discord
Arguments arose over the prayer “WAY” to bring unbelievers to the Risen Lord
Disputes started various sects when Christ’s command to love one another was ignored

Now, how can fighting among denominations bring the unsaved into the true Light?
Shouldn’t it be a gentle, loving, Christ-like Spirit they see burning bright?
OH LORD!! If we could just ALL receive Your perfect Devine in-sight!

And recover the Church You commanded to SPREAD the Gospel, be a witness to the things we’ve been shown
Because some have ADDED rules & regulations…strict observances set in stone
When the truth is that Salvation is obtained by FAITH in You ALONE!

Believing that on the cross Your out-stretched arms bridged the great divide
Between God the Father & sinful man…thus, a full measure was supplied
Then when confusion in public, private, or religious matters arise, we have the perfect guide

You won’t let us be caught in no-man’s land with no place to hide
So a family CAN stay together when Your Godly principles are applied
Then the true Church You desired will shine when Your Lordship is not denied

Plus, we will know what our correct government policies should be
When we go to You Lord, the Source of ALL wisdom, on bended knee
As we diligently pray our nation, families & churches CAN find peace & harmony


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