Is IT Hidden Deep Within YOU?
By: Maxine M.
The dawn is breaking and so ends your long restless sleepless night
You went to bed early, but your mind just wouldn’t give up the fight
Thus producing far-reaching effects for the day…a day that should be cheery & bright
You wonder “What can be the matter?” “I just don’t feel right!!”
You snap at the 1st person who annoys you, even tho the offense is slight
The brow is drawn & head aches from nerves stretched taut & tight
Neck is tense, stomach upset, there’s a DEFIANT tilt to your chin
Self-esteem is low, you judge yourself as one who never can win
Is this ALL a result of hidden ANGER residing deep within?
Anger can take many forms…from a quick hot flash of temper’s flare
To resentment that may SMOLDER, turning into a long-term affair
Envy, spite and animosity are REALLY disguised anger over circumstances that seem unfair
Perhaps you’ve carried this anger since childhood, over a life-changing ordeal
Being orphaned, abandoned, abused, favoritism shown to another…hurt that won’t heal
Blame, rebuke, criticism by a “SHARP” tongued teacher or friend…your self-assurance steal
Injustice, betrayal, prejudice and bigotry may, an angry spirit, invite
Arguments, misunderstandings, rejection, discrimination…all society’s blight
Being a VICTIM of crime that violate our rights, loss or injury to a loved one…those precious in our sight
Hostility & malice will prevail when trust & confidence are bent
We SCRUTINIZE other’s words, wondering what REALLY was meant
Instead of joy at other’s good fortune, we smile BUT secretly resent
So, do you feel unappreciated, unloved, overlooked for promotion at work?
Have you suffered broken dreams, financial loss, hurt or crippled by some irresponsible jerk?
It’s in these mental shadows that anger is born and will subtlety lurk
Just as Jonah became angry when God said, “Go!! Tell the Ninevites to repent”
But, they were Israel’s ENEMY…Jonah preferred a message of damnation be sent
Foolishly, he ran the other way…BUT, after a “WHALE” of a side trip, he went
He delivered God’s message, but was still sullen & down-cast in heart
God asked, “Do YOU have a RIGHT to be angry?” Isn’t LOVE your enemy the place to start?
For if they turn to Me in repentance, MERCY is MINE to impart
Now you too may firmly declare, “But my anger is JUSTIFIED”
But consider Jesus’ response as He was being cruelly crucified
Shouldn’t He have been angry when everyone at His so-called trial lied?
Wouldn’t His anger have been JUSTIFIED at being beaten, mocked and scorned?
Humiliated, stripped, degraded…His Royal head with a crown of thorns adorned
He could have summoned legions of angels, but it was THEIR IGNORANCE He mourned
For it wasn’t anger He demonstrated from the cross that fateful day
Nor condemnation for their actions, or angry vows that, one day, He’d repay
But Forgiveness!! Yes, forgiveness for those foolish human-beings, He’s earnestly pray!
Forgiveness for those who had betrayed Him, rejected Him, slapped Him in the face
Those blind and indifferent to His message, even those who drove the nails in place
Yes, He used love and forgiveness to vanquish anger & bitterness…the perfect example of GRACE
So, do YOU WANT to be rid of anger’s heavy stone…that cumbersome burden you bear
Even tho you’ve carried it so long, it’s just a part of what you daily wear
Why not just give it to Jesus?! Accept HIS forgiveness…as WE forgive OTHERS, it’s only fair
For in forgiveness, anger’s grasp is destroyed…a harvest of peace you’ll reap
You’ll know the EXUBERANCE of reaching a mountain top that’s been long & steep
There will be new “LIGHTNESS” in your step, finally able to get a good night’s sleep
By: Maxine M.
The dawn is breaking and so ends your long restless sleepless night
You went to bed early, but your mind just wouldn’t give up the fight
Thus producing far-reaching effects for the day…a day that should be cheery & bright
You wonder “What can be the matter?” “I just don’t feel right!!”
You snap at the 1st person who annoys you, even tho the offense is slight
The brow is drawn & head aches from nerves stretched taut & tight
Neck is tense, stomach upset, there’s a DEFIANT tilt to your chin
Self-esteem is low, you judge yourself as one who never can win
Is this ALL a result of hidden ANGER residing deep within?
Anger can take many forms…from a quick hot flash of temper’s flare
To resentment that may SMOLDER, turning into a long-term affair
Envy, spite and animosity are REALLY disguised anger over circumstances that seem unfair
Perhaps you’ve carried this anger since childhood, over a life-changing ordeal
Being orphaned, abandoned, abused, favoritism shown to another…hurt that won’t heal
Blame, rebuke, criticism by a “SHARP” tongued teacher or friend…your self-assurance steal
Injustice, betrayal, prejudice and bigotry may, an angry spirit, invite
Arguments, misunderstandings, rejection, discrimination…all society’s blight
Being a VICTIM of crime that violate our rights, loss or injury to a loved one…those precious in our sight
Hostility & malice will prevail when trust & confidence are bent
We SCRUTINIZE other’s words, wondering what REALLY was meant
Instead of joy at other’s good fortune, we smile BUT secretly resent
So, do you feel unappreciated, unloved, overlooked for promotion at work?
Have you suffered broken dreams, financial loss, hurt or crippled by some irresponsible jerk?
It’s in these mental shadows that anger is born and will subtlety lurk
Just as Jonah became angry when God said, “Go!! Tell the Ninevites to repent”
But, they were Israel’s ENEMY…Jonah preferred a message of damnation be sent
Foolishly, he ran the other way…BUT, after a “WHALE” of a side trip, he went
He delivered God’s message, but was still sullen & down-cast in heart
God asked, “Do YOU have a RIGHT to be angry?” Isn’t LOVE your enemy the place to start?
For if they turn to Me in repentance, MERCY is MINE to impart
Now you too may firmly declare, “But my anger is JUSTIFIED”
But consider Jesus’ response as He was being cruelly crucified
Shouldn’t He have been angry when everyone at His so-called trial lied?
Wouldn’t His anger have been JUSTIFIED at being beaten, mocked and scorned?
Humiliated, stripped, degraded…His Royal head with a crown of thorns adorned
He could have summoned legions of angels, but it was THEIR IGNORANCE He mourned
For it wasn’t anger He demonstrated from the cross that fateful day
Nor condemnation for their actions, or angry vows that, one day, He’d repay
But Forgiveness!! Yes, forgiveness for those foolish human-beings, He’s earnestly pray!
Forgiveness for those who had betrayed Him, rejected Him, slapped Him in the face
Those blind and indifferent to His message, even those who drove the nails in place
Yes, He used love and forgiveness to vanquish anger & bitterness…the perfect example of GRACE
So, do YOU WANT to be rid of anger’s heavy stone…that cumbersome burden you bear
Even tho you’ve carried it so long, it’s just a part of what you daily wear
Why not just give it to Jesus?! Accept HIS forgiveness…as WE forgive OTHERS, it’s only fair
For in forgiveness, anger’s grasp is destroyed…a harvest of peace you’ll reap
You’ll know the EXUBERANCE of reaching a mountain top that’s been long & steep
There will be new “LIGHTNESS” in your step, finally able to get a good night’s sleep