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The Wedding…United as One
By: Maxine M.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful…oh, the joy to our heart it brought
Traditional but superbly elegant…the perfect day, of which she’d often thought
Every detail was LABORED over to achieve the flawless effect that was sought

The bride was LOVELY!! Her gown glimmering white, altered to fit just right
To the groom and the guests as well, she was an awe-inspiring sight
Praise, adoration & emotional well wishes for their future, the day would invite

Very apparent was that their love for each other was burning bright
A NEW life together started that day…much to everyone’s delight
Certainly a day of celebration and the party lasted well into the night

But would the day have been the same if the groom had spilled mustard on his shirt
Or the bride had somehow gotten a big muddy stain on her skirt
PERFECTION would have been LOST at the appearance of wrinkles or dirt

Now, the bible declares that the Church, made up of TRUE Christians, will be His excited Bride one day
Like the bride & groom, be united as ONE with our Saviour in a NEW & SPECIAL intimate way
Also dressed in a linen garment, pure & white, created by the righteous acts we do or say

Christ, the Bridegroom, is constantly challenging us to be holy & pure
He’s seeking a Bride without spot or wrinkle, consecrated, chaste & demure
BUT, if we are to be a FAITHFUL spouse, our wanton sinful ways we need to cure

Since we’re ALL born sinners, how could we possibly be FIT to be ONE with HIM?
In our own virtue & goodness, it would be simply hopeless & grim
But God the Father had a plan, even when man’s understanding was cloudy & dim

He knew there was only ONE way to cleanse us from sin’s terrible stain
It was by being plunged under the Blood of HIS Lamb that was slain
That ANY other method of purification would only be in vain

Just as the bride bathed on her wedding day…scrubbed till her face would glow
The precious foundation of His Blood would wash us clean as newly fallen snow
Our soul now UNSOILED by the greatest “stain-remover” we’ll ever know

By saying “YES!!” to our Saviour, thus making Him our future Bridegroom
The promise of His COMING FOR US will be fulfilled ANY day now, we can assume
Right now He’s preparing a place for His Bride and there will be plenty of room

Our young couple provided their guests with an excellent meal
The “Marriage Supper of the Lamb” will have the ultimate savory appeal
Guests will be the O.T. Redeemed & Tribulation Saints, who with the anti-Christ had to deal

We heard the couple firmly vow that ONLY death would part them one day
That they would give loyalty, fidelity, love & support in every conceivable way
But when the Church becomes Christ’s Bride, there will be no more death & decay

No worry about separation, loss of their loved one…as is today’s fate
Because this marriage WILL be FOREVER and into eternity we can continue to celebrate
Now, have YOU accepted our Lord’s proposal, answered His call or have you told Him to wait?

Why do you HESITATE? Has the allure of THIS world left you beguiled?
Say “I do” TODAY…shed that old contaminated garb for one gloriously styled
Then ask Him to help KEEP your new Spiritual garments clean & undefiled

For it is by SINCERE repentance & daily dedication that we’re dressed in proper attire
By studying & obeying His Word, that being His Bride becomes our #1 desire
Patiently waiting for details to be “ready”, details this wondrous event will require

As the covenant vow is completed, love will just eternally grow
We’ll find peace, contentment, joy & happiness in an endless flow
All those riches of Heaven, the Bridegroom, on His Bride, will gladly bestow


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