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Have You Two Met? By: Maxine M. The Bible records how, on the Damascus Road, the risen Jesus MET the Pharisee Saul Stopping him in his zealous pursuit…blinded by the light, he heard the Saviour call Why!! are you persecuting Me by locking My servants in a prison stall Saul fell to the ground in astonishment & fear, retaining no strength at all “Who are You, Lord? What do You want ME to do?” he asked in trembling voice weak and small Oh, how that encounter altered his life…even changing his name to Paul The Bible also tells of Peter, who MET Jesus one day at his brother, Andrew’s request His nets were FILLED when fishing on the “RIGHT” side, as Jesus would suggest “I’ll make you a “Fisher of Men”, Peter, if your life, in ME you invest Oh, he had rough edges to smooth, words & instructions from the Lord to digest A change from what “I will do” to what the Holy Spirit said was best So from s...
Where do YOU live? By: Maxine M. Some people love the countryside, while others in a big city want to be free Many prefer an arid desert, others the mountains…enjoy giant cactus or stately pine tree From the arctic to the tropics, God’s beautiful creation is there for all to see East coast, west coast, every continent is open for habitation to some degree It’s good we are a diverse people…to each their own we all agree And ALL people everywhere desire to live where they can live free But the ONE place it’s not feasible to live is in the PAST It’s unsuitable to sustain a healthy lifestyle…the exuberance of yesterday doesn’t last For yesterday is UNCHANGEABLE… “if onlys” “should haves” bring depression into the forecast Regret or remorse over things that could have been prevented at the time Or anger, bitterness, hostility…the result of being an innocent victim of crime Making “yesterday” a wilely pit, out of wh...
Is IT Hidden Deep Within YOU? By: Maxine M. The dawn is breaking and so ends your long restless sleepless night You went to bed early, but your mind just wouldn’t give up the fight Thus producing far-reaching effects for the day…a day that should be cheery & bright You wonder “What can be the matter?” “I just don’t feel right!!” You snap at the 1st person who annoys you, even tho the offense is slight The brow is drawn & head aches from nerves stretched taut & tight Neck is tense, stomach upset, there’s a DEFIANT tilt to your chin Self-esteem is low, you judge yourself as one who never can win Is this ALL a result of hidden ANGER residing deep within? Anger can take many forms…from a quick hot flash of temper’s flare To resentment that may SMOLDER, turning into a long-term affair Envy, spite and animosity are REALLY disguised anger over circumstances that seem unfair Perhaps you’...
The Wedding…United as One By: Maxine M. The wedding was absolutely beautiful…oh, the joy to our heart it brought Traditional but superbly elegant…the perfect day, of which she’d often thought Every detail was LABORED over to achieve the flawless effect that was sought The bride was LOVELY!! Her gown glimmering white, altered to fit just right To the groom and the guests as well, she was an awe-inspiring sight Praise, adoration & emotional well wishes for their future, the day would invite Very apparent was that their love for each other was burning bright A NEW life together started that day…much to everyone’s delight Certainly a day of celebration and the party lasted well into the night But would the day have been the same if the groom had spilled mustard on his shirt Or the bride had somehow gotten a big muddy stain on her skirt PERFECTION would have been LOST at the appearance of wrinkles or dirt Now, the bible declares that the Church, made up of TRUE Christians, will be His e...
Milk and Meat By: Maxine A baby’s distressed wail fills the night…“I’m hungry” is what is meant For newborns WANT & NEED milk to keep them happy & content Milk!! Nature’s perfect food, promoting growth & development…good health will represent But then as time goes on, solid foods are introduced, much to their delight Cereals & mashed vegetables to help a baby sleep through the night Then finally MEAT as their digestive system develops, acquiring strength & might Now, the bible states that as Christians, we move from “milk” to “meat” as we mature & grow Remember!!, how verses like John 3:16, in our “infancy”, made our faces glow That 1st realization that GOD LOVES US…the greatest love we’ll ever know Beautiful psalms soothed our spirit, chased away fear, brought His presence near As a parent quiets their child, we could feel His everlasting arms appear Promises of one day knowing He...