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The voices, the voices; we hear all these voices
All trying to persuade us to make wrong choices
Pleading, promising and with persistence, in our failures their spirit rejoices

The voices come from television or a violent computer game as well
Movies, books, magazines, all have subtle elusive message to sell
"Listen to me" these voices exclaim, "then you'll be happy and in life excel"

Try this!! It will make you feel good or so I've heard
Everyones doing it, don't be a nerd
Do you want to be laughed at? Have people think you're absurd?

The voices may come from friends who don't have their best interest at heart
Don't lose any time! From THESE friends quickly depart
"Nip it in the bud" before trouble is allowed to start

Many of these voices have been around forever, saying nothing new
Like drugs, drinking, sex, and smoking are really "cool" things to do
But, in reality that's just a "crock of goo"

The voices are often soft, sweet, convincing and charming
But they should set bells to ringing, our senses alarming
They're not telling how much these choices could be harming

These voices, these choices are in abundance when you're young
Choose companions wisely and who you hang-out among
The value of a few good loyal friends is often under-sung

Parents, teachers or pastor are older, wiser and giving mostly good advice
Listen to their counsel!! Listen the first time so you don't make the same mistake twice
Set yourself goals and, through life's distractions, they'll help you slice

For choices must be made from childhood to grave
Right choices... lots of heartache and misery one can save
To go against the "majority" one must be courageous and brave

Good choices, bad choices...right or wrong
Only you can decide, both voices are strong
But choices have CONSEQUENCES we live with all our life long

So the voices in life serve up a big buffet, invite you to partake
But above the noisy din, the voice of JESUS says "Folow me", "I died for your sake"
And listening to Jesus is the BEST choice you'll ever make!

So, Dear Lord, let ALL in this family hear Your Voice loud and clear
Then we can ALL make right choices without fear
And we'll grow and mature in Your Love, year after year


Marge said…
Do you read Charisma Magazine, at all? (Steven Strang Publishing) Because there are sometimes, offers to submit people's writting, etc. to the magazine, and if they like them, it's published.....worldwide circulation!
Even if that didn't come up, you could always submit your mom's poetry to the magazine, because they also publish books! Yeah! Wouldn't that be great to get all your mother's wonderful poetry published, in book form?
Anyhow, that's just one suggestion. However, if it were me, I'd pray about it, and see if you were led to submit some poetry to different Christian publishers.
As my mother always used to say, stranger things have happened, LOL.

Also, remember that Dr. LaHaye's book on temperments, is not 'gospel,' but it IS great for learning, and 'gleaning, LOL' Because a few of the ladies I've given it too, said, " Well! I'm not any of those temperments, etc."
Well, neither is anyone :) There are 4 temperments, and we are all a 'blend,' of each of them. You'll see whan you get the book. But, I did remember two Gals that thought I was a little bit 'nuts,' to suggest reading it, LOL. Their loss, unfortunately. As we both know Dr. LaHaye is far from an idiot. In fact, if you enjoy the book, his wife also wrote a book on the same subject, just for women. But, between the two books? I believe the first is the best one. But, his wife is no slouch, either :)

Well, it's late, but I wondered about your mom's poetry, and why it couldn't bless a lot more people, than even us, etc. :)

I love you, and God's very best to you, and yours, too :)

Great poetry....was thinking of cutting and pasting so I could make copies for my teens and youth group....

Have a great day in the Lord.

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