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The Waiting Jesus
By: Maxine M.

Nearly everyone has considered Jesus as a baby, the Holy Christ Child
The obedient Son with a quiet gentle Spirit…meek and mild
The full power of God, UNDER CONTROL in a human body compiled

And the bible reveals Jesus as teacher, healer, brother and friend
In the form of a servant, the Creator of the Universe had broken lives & bodies to mend
He washed His disciple’s feet saying ‘from now on let THIS be YOUR trend’

He’s represented as the compassionate Shepherd holding a little lamb on His arm
The benefactor of children and all their youthful qualities that charm
Predicting WOE to anyone who would dare to harm

We’ve seen Him become agitated & aggressive, but in RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION
Seen weeping over Jerusalem and rejoicing with Mary & Martha in their elation
At times He was the weary Jesus needing solitude, He also knew hunger’s gnawing sensation

We’ve seen a praying Jesus, a stern warning Jesus, Jesus declaring to be God’s Beloved Son
Sighing over follower’s lack of understanding…always wanting a sign to be done
The inviting Jesus…ALL invited, come follow Me, exclusions none

At Easter we saw Him as the loving, forgiving, suffering Savior
Bearing ALL the guilt & shame of OUR rotten sinful behavior
Then as RISEN Lord, no longer bound by time, space or closed door

So all these faces of Jesus were seen as His earthly mission He’d fulfill
But have you considered “the Waiting Jesus” sitting at His Father’s side UNTIL?
WAITING until EVERTHING is in place…according to the FATHER’S will

Waiting until ALL who WILL accept, HAVE…all the souls He can accrue
Waiting to drink the “Fruit of the Vine” once again with His faithful few
Waiting to be joined to His Bride, the church…our souls made new

Waiting to claim HIS rightful place as reigning King Supreme
Waiting to unleash His majestic power over His enemy…TOTAL victory gleam
Waiting to JUDGE those not in the “Book of Life” or part of His Heavenly Regime

So, are you tired of waiting? Waiting for His Glorious Appearing one day
Tired of the world’s vicious, perplexing, seemingly endless fray
Are you restless, puzzled about what YOU see as a needless delay?

Well, don’t grow weary in WAITING because Jesus is patiently waiting too
And the reality is He’s been waiting a LOT longer than you!
Waiting to receive all the worship, GLORY, praise, honor that HE is DUE!


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