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Need a Helping Hand?
By: Maxine M.

Day’s ending but do you somehow find it hard to unwind?
Do the ups & downs of daily life seem an unbearable grind?
The problems & condition of the entire world laying as a burden on your mind?

An invisible “heavy cross”, YOU must somehow carry alone
Others seem happy & carefree…don’t struggle with this burden you own
Do they have a secret formula the rest of us haven’t been shown?

But the reality is we ALL have a cross, just to a different degree
Jesus said, “Take up YOUR cross & come follow me”
And our cross isn’t MORE than we can carry…so don’t just drop it and flee

So what cross must YOU bear? It can change day by day, week to week
What is the distress, annoyance, grievance...for which, “RELIEF” you seek
What keeps you awake at night…what makes the future look so bleek

Is divorce looming? Irreconcilable differences…relationship broken beyond repair
Was all your love, time and effort wasted? It all seems so unfair
In shock, hurt, grief…for a future alone, how can one prepare?

Often a cross comes in the form of “health issues” we’re forced to face
Bringing unanswered questions…fear, doubt, anxiety fills our inner-space
How, with a cross on our back, can we effectively run life’s race

The cross of “loss” comes to EVERYONE regardless race, gender or size
Loss of home, loss of jobs, loss of friendship, loss of ability, which youth denies
Loss through death can only be restored when the “dead in Christ” arise

All children are special, given by God so our lives are blest
But there are TIMES when, our reserve of strength, they TRY & TEST
Every parent REMEMBERS a time of “cross bearing” before they left the nest

Some struggle with a “financial” cross, while others enjoy comfort and ease
Fame, fortune & wealth come to some like an unexpected summer’s breeze
Even while other’s hard work, dedication, loyalty…at success, only tease

Just what CAN my child watch on TV that’s appropriately clean?
Does your mind wrestle to comprehend the current economic & political scene?
America’s future is in turmoil…what will this important election mean?

With prices of gas, food, medicine the highest they’ve ever been
Unstable nations scrambling for nuclear power…to dominate other men
Elected leaders confessing to perversion & sexual sin

Fraud & corruption invade corporate boardrooms every day
Complacency & apathy alive in our churches as prophecy said would be the way
A LOVED one has gone off to war…have we all forgotten how to pray?

Now we know Jesus Himself staggered under the HEAVY CROSS He was expected to bear
Simon of Cyrene was ORDERED to “HELP”…what a PRIVILEGE he would share
We too can “help carry” another’s cross, by lifting their burden in prayer

Or by being a listening ear when others want & need to “unload”
By giving Godly advice…prevent them from traveling the wrong road
Remind them how the loving Saviour paid the debt WE all owed

For any heavy burden is LIGHTER when someone picks up the other end
The weight is then balanced between you, a loved one or friend
“I’ll help carry YOUR cross”…the message Jesus would send

So if you need a “HELPING HAND” with whatever cross you carry today
Don’t turn to lady luck, the horoscope or Oprah’s new philosophical way
Turn to family and a few TRUE friends…TRUST the all powerful Sovereign GOD, to Whom we all can PRAY


Marge said…
I stopped by this afternoon, and I wanted you to know that I LOVED the latest poem, by your gifted Mother. Especially the last lines about not following Oprah. I agree, and how! Although I have watched a few of her guests, I've never watched a full program of Oprah's, and believe me, I'm not complaining, LOL!

I have saved a few of the Blogs from Joels, (in my Favorites)your's being one :) However, I pulled the plug on the cave along about Easter. So, I'm spending less time on the computer :)
But I wanted to let you know, I'd popped in to say, hello.

God bless, and take care!

I have MISSED you so much!! You are one of very few that I do miss from "the old days"! :)

I too got rid of "the cave" as I had personality issues with a few. Just reminded me of highschool...we're the popular ones and you, well, your NOT! But that is just my opinion. It wasn't everyone, not even close. Just one or four! LOL

Hope all is well with you. I just underwent a hysterectomy 2 weeks ago. It was laprascopic so it was less invasive and I am healing awesomely...PTL!! :)

Now it is Steve's turn this Wednesday to have his hernia repaired...not too much of a big deal but still a surgery.

We joke around that I got a HIS-terectomy and he is getting a HER-nia repaired. Most couples get His&Hers towels...we get His&Hers surgeries! LOL

Beamer will be done with the 7th grade this Thursday and he is so glad to be getting off for the summer...he's got fishing on his mind! LOL

Well, I sure hope you will drop by more often and keep me company. I hope your job isn't giving you any grief and yours and your hubby's health is great!

Much Love to you DEAR Marge!
Marge said…
I had to laugh at your "his and her surgeries." I'd never seen it that way, and it IS funny :) However, I'm VERY grateful you are recovering from your surgery, and I'm agreeing in prayer that your husband's surgery goes well, too. As you mentioned there is always some risk with any surgery. But God has you covered, amen?

I was so delighted to see your reply, as I've missed hearing from you, as well! Sue has my e-mail address, if you'd like to write me there. (and Joyce and Wilma also have it)

Mike is about the same, and I am as well. Mike hasn't seen a Doctor since he recovered from last July's surgery, though. He still needs his gall bladder taken out, but there is still the weight issue. It looks to me, that without him losing weight, the only surgeries they'll do is on a emergency basis :(

Work is going quite well. In fact, my Nutrition Manager is reponding to prayer, and backed way down with both us Gals. Of course, it also helped when our old Grocery Manager came back, that was aware of my Manager's temperment, and also my work record in Grocery :)
What is the saying about Faith. "Faith is a fact, but it is also an act." There are times we need to do our part, and stand up for what is right. I'll always remember when Stacy encouraged me to never be afraid to report a Managers wrongdoings. And Child encouraged me to pray before going into work. And Wilma is praying that my Nutrition Manager will do the right thing, and get saved. So far my Manager isn't saved (to my knowledge, at least) but she certainly has become a nicer Manager, PTL!

My latest "find" is watching Josheph Prince. (or go to His message is one of radical grace, and not accepting satan's condemnation. Wow, is all that I can say! IMHO every Believer needs to hear and re-hear this message, as it will change your life and also your perception of how God sees us. VERY GOOD! Check it out, and you'll see what I mean :) It's nothing really new, but put in a new persective, as God sees us thru the righteousness of Jesus.

So nice to hear back from you, Judy! And if you'd like, e-mail me anytime, okay?

Much love, and may you experience God's favor in everything you put your hand to do!

Marge said…
that's Joseph Prince. Oops!

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