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Does That Make Sense?
By: Maxine M.

Why, Lord!! Why all this trouble? Does it make any sense?
That life is full of constant turmoil…so emotionally intense
Seems we are being attacked daily…keeping us ever on the defense

So many “things” don’t make any sense in the world where we live today
Why me, why now, why this, has logic completely gone astray?
Leaving us confused & frustrated, thus the “WHYS” are all we can say

So does it make sense that millionaires and even billionaires want even MORE?
Shouldn’t time have shown money can’t satisfy anyone’s inner core?
As hard workers struggle to survive, equality’s voice life seems to ignore

Does it make any sense that a young mother is taken before her children are grown?
Or that an accident took both parents, now their children must grow up alone
With only vague memories as they stare at their names chiseled in stone

The “health issues” that took a father with so much life yet to live
To grandchildren, he would have had so much to give
BUT, old age was granted to another…who drank like a sieve

Does it make sense when a son or daughter is lost fighting a war?
And the people back home don’t COMPREHEND it’s for other’s freedom they are fighting for
And, to keep EVIL from once again coming to America’s shore

Our neighbor is 90, active, energetic…the aging process seems to have stalled
But a disabling disease has brought the pace of a Grandchild to a crawl
Shouldn’t life be fair...does it make ANY sense at all?

How can life make any sense when you hear those words “I want a divorce”
A job is suddenly lost…you’re no longer a productive member of the work force
The Dr. says “You MUST have this surgery”…there’s no other recourse

What’s “sensible” about our children being abused…then tossed aside
Murder, rape, fraud…a flawed judicial system just takes in stride
Criminal actions are pardoned…true justice for victims is denied

Unwanted pregnancies end in brutal abortions every day
Sadly, these could have been the answer to prayer an adoptive mother would pray
Thus resulting in a loving but childless couple being turned away

But then if we REALLY CONSIDER…what sense did it make
That the Lord of Glory Himself would come to earth & DIE for our sake
Suffer, HORRIBLY, just to rescue US from Eden’s slick-tongued deceiving snake

Did it make sense that He should LOVE the UN-lovable…to that ultimate degree?
To be so patient--waiting--calling--wanting just to set us free
Yes, on the surface that did NOT make sense, BUT He had an agenda the world couldn’t see

And that plan to defeat Satan came together as He hung there on Calvary’s tree
There wasn’t any other way to redeem mankind…the trinity would agree
The debt was PAID…eternal life assured, IF we do the sensible thing and answer His plea

So we need to TRUST, even what doesn’t make sense, for it’s all as HE planned
And one day it WILL make perfect sense…we’ll see it all from His hand
But, it’s OUR DECISION on WHICH SIDE of Heaven’s Gate we’ll stand


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