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So, What’s Your Plan?
By: Maxine M.

Do you have a plan...a plan for today, tomorrow, what about next year?
Is the immediate plan just to go to work and further your career?
Or to go on vacation, praying the weather will be sunny and clear

Maybe your plan is to marry soon…be a radiant June bride
Or you’re expecting to be a new father…at the mere thought you’d cried
Are you counting the days to retirement…time to take those hobbies in stride?

We plan parties, celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, any special occasion we choose
Our plans include pursuing recreation and entertainment…all designed to amuse
At sports we plan and prepare to be a winner…no one ever plans to lose

Some hire a financial planner trusting their experienced insight
Because planning is NECESSARY in these economic times to stretch a budget that’s tight
So we plan our work, schedule appointments, even plan what’s for dinner tonight

Now, planning is ESSENTIAL…keeps chaos & confusion at bay
Some plan more than others…it’s just their God-Given way
Organization and preparedness have saved many a hectic day

Is your calendar full…perhaps overfull?! Well just let me mention
That life doesn’t ALWAYS go according to OUR plan’s intention
That plan MAY need to be altered or put under suspension

An old saying is “The best laid plans of mice & men often go astray”
So as we plan, we also need to learn to pray…
Father!! Not MY will but YOUR’S be done…in Your will let my plans stay

For God Almighty has PLANS for US…plans to bless us in His own way
So are you devastated when a plan is ruined or pursuit of them is in a delay?
WHOSE plan will be best…which will bring happiness “at the end of the day”?

Your plan to stay where it’s “safe” or His plan to MOVE you where He needs you MOST
Your plan to one day dine on “rich cuisine” while His plan provides simple pot roast
His plan may be a humble dedicated life FOR HIM, not your plan of wealth to boast

Fame & fortune as a “world class” athlete is the plan YOU had in mind
An unfortunate accident left that unfulfilled dream far behind
But satisfaction & contentment were found in the Children’s Ministry…plans God had designed

Your plan is to enjoy healthy, happy, “golden” retirement years
But His plan brings illness to USE YOU as an example…strengthen others through your tears
Show them they need not be afraid as the end of life nears

Your plan was for a healthy child…His plan said “I’ll TRUST you with one with a special “need”
But I promise to be there with you through it all & My plan will succeed
For I provide SUFFICENT GRACE to encourage & comfort when, for strength, you’ll plead”

DO YOU have a plan for TODAY? Perhaps you prefer “long term” goals
Be ready to adjust those plans when a change in life unfolds
TRUST HIS PLAN, for His plan includes the saving of our souls

And OUR BEST plan is to accept and submit to His plan ALONE
For so often it’s a BLESSING when He “over-rides” our plan…time has shown
Thank You, Lord!!...Help us to remember only YOUR plans are set in STONE


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