Oh NO!! What’s that Sound?!
By: Maxine M.
The demons were rejoicing worshipping Satan one dark Friday long ago
“Oh, exalted ruler of this world, YOU are VICTORIOUS…now your evil will incessantly flow
Your influence over the human race will only expand & constantly grow”
And Satan basked in this thought and reflected how this day came to be
How since his fall he’d been trying to gain superiority over the Blessed Trinity
He smiled at how he had tricked Eve & gotten her to agree
Agree that God wasn’t fair and that it was ok to disbelieve what God had said
He laughed at the downfall of the human race when this disobedience led
How, through all the successive generations, his deception had spread
He remembered his own anger & exasperation when he learned what the Father had planned
That God the Son one day, with His very life, would pay sin’s demand
How he had ramped up his own efforts…fires of lust, greed, hatred he’d fanned
When Jesus became the Son of Man, Satan knew the plan was well under way
Knew he’d have to do all he could to discredit what this Messiah would have to say
His most EVIL influence would be needed to STOP those who would follow & obey
He’d even succeeded in invading those closest to Jesus…one who claimed to be a friend
Dangled greed & envy before his eyes…oh, the destruction these temptations send
Thirty pieces of silver, his name BRANDED forever, hanging from a tree before the day would end
Just another victim that Satan would triumphantly claim
One of the millions who have REJECTED Jesus and the very REASON He came
But that day Satan was ever so CONFIDENT he’d win this strategic game
He watched as Jesus hung on the cross…slowly dying on Calvary’s hill
He heard the anguish in His voice, felt that mid-day’s sudden chill
But unaware that this was all part of the plan the Son would WILLINGLY fulfill
Gleefully he observed as friends took Christ’s lifeless body down…assuming he had won
But suggested that the soldiers keep a watch, seal the tomb with a stone weighing ½ a ton
When the rock was in place, he thought “well, there, that’s done!!”
He reveled in the misery of the disciples & the women who had followed Him everywhere
He could hardly contain his exaltation at the heartache he knew they would bear
Soon, he thought, they will belong to ME…their loyalty to Jesus will vanish into thin air
But, some time that night, while Satan and his cohorts were just hanging around
One of the celebrating demons suddenly declared “Oh, NO!! What’s that SOUND?!”
The rock at the tomb was MOVING by itself…shaking the entire ground
Demons reported to Satan, “The grave is OPEN and no body can be found
The grave clothes are there…strips of cloth all neatly unwound
What’s happened? What can it mean, oh evil leader?!” the demons would expound
“You Fools!! It means He’s ALIVE!! Death has been defeated!” that old serpent cries
“He’s RISEN!! Eternal life He can now give to that believer who dies
And the worst part for us is this REDEMPTION is granted to ANYONE who applies!”
“It means we’ll have to work harder, for our time now is SHORT
Let’s start by bribing those guards to give a false report
Later we can have His followers imprisoned, tried by a prejudicial court
We’ll just lie…say these last 3 days are just a fairy tale, all made up some how
Because a commitment to spreading discord & bitterness, I finally vow
Following a course of deception telling them, “you can follow this Christ, just not NOW”
That will GUARANTEE taking MANY souls with us to the Great White Throne Judgment that will await
For now that HE’S RISEN, He’ll come back for HIS children at some unknown date
And there’s something you all MUST know…HIS death & resurrection HAS sealed our FATE”
By: Maxine M.
The demons were rejoicing worshipping Satan one dark Friday long ago
“Oh, exalted ruler of this world, YOU are VICTORIOUS…now your evil will incessantly flow
Your influence over the human race will only expand & constantly grow”
And Satan basked in this thought and reflected how this day came to be
How since his fall he’d been trying to gain superiority over the Blessed Trinity
He smiled at how he had tricked Eve & gotten her to agree
Agree that God wasn’t fair and that it was ok to disbelieve what God had said
He laughed at the downfall of the human race when this disobedience led
How, through all the successive generations, his deception had spread
He remembered his own anger & exasperation when he learned what the Father had planned
That God the Son one day, with His very life, would pay sin’s demand
How he had ramped up his own efforts…fires of lust, greed, hatred he’d fanned
When Jesus became the Son of Man, Satan knew the plan was well under way
Knew he’d have to do all he could to discredit what this Messiah would have to say
His most EVIL influence would be needed to STOP those who would follow & obey
He’d even succeeded in invading those closest to Jesus…one who claimed to be a friend
Dangled greed & envy before his eyes…oh, the destruction these temptations send
Thirty pieces of silver, his name BRANDED forever, hanging from a tree before the day would end
Just another victim that Satan would triumphantly claim
One of the millions who have REJECTED Jesus and the very REASON He came
But that day Satan was ever so CONFIDENT he’d win this strategic game
He watched as Jesus hung on the cross…slowly dying on Calvary’s hill
He heard the anguish in His voice, felt that mid-day’s sudden chill
But unaware that this was all part of the plan the Son would WILLINGLY fulfill
Gleefully he observed as friends took Christ’s lifeless body down…assuming he had won
But suggested that the soldiers keep a watch, seal the tomb with a stone weighing ½ a ton
When the rock was in place, he thought “well, there, that’s done!!”
He reveled in the misery of the disciples & the women who had followed Him everywhere
He could hardly contain his exaltation at the heartache he knew they would bear
Soon, he thought, they will belong to ME…their loyalty to Jesus will vanish into thin air
But, some time that night, while Satan and his cohorts were just hanging around
One of the celebrating demons suddenly declared “Oh, NO!! What’s that SOUND?!”
The rock at the tomb was MOVING by itself…shaking the entire ground
Demons reported to Satan, “The grave is OPEN and no body can be found
The grave clothes are there…strips of cloth all neatly unwound
What’s happened? What can it mean, oh evil leader?!” the demons would expound
“You Fools!! It means He’s ALIVE!! Death has been defeated!” that old serpent cries
“He’s RISEN!! Eternal life He can now give to that believer who dies
And the worst part for us is this REDEMPTION is granted to ANYONE who applies!”
“It means we’ll have to work harder, for our time now is SHORT
Let’s start by bribing those guards to give a false report
Later we can have His followers imprisoned, tried by a prejudicial court
We’ll just lie…say these last 3 days are just a fairy tale, all made up some how
Because a commitment to spreading discord & bitterness, I finally vow
Following a course of deception telling them, “you can follow this Christ, just not NOW”
That will GUARANTEE taking MANY souls with us to the Great White Throne Judgment that will await
For now that HE’S RISEN, He’ll come back for HIS children at some unknown date
And there’s something you all MUST know…HIS death & resurrection HAS sealed our FATE”
I LOVE the new poem! Excellent!
If you haven't already heard, Bob is CANCER FREE!!! Praise God!!! Thank you for your prayers!
It will take monthes for Bob to regain his strength and immune system, so please keep him in your prayers. Thanks!
Wishing you, and yours a blessed Sunday, too.
Jesus is alive! Amen!
God bless,
Hallelujah!! That is such AWESOME news about Bob!! I wish I had come here sooner and found your post sooner! BUT, today is Resurrection Day and what better day to have such wonderful news recieved! GOD IS GOOD!!! Thanks for letting me know! I will keep him in my prayers and hope he STAYS cancer free! YES!!!! ;)
Well, Kayla is looking really cute with that big tummy of hers...she is due May 9th. WE are getting very excited. I will post to you as soon as I become GRANNY Judy! LOL
Well, I am make stoganoff for Easter dinner (just the 3 of us so eating "untraditional" but that's what we like so why not?! Amen?! :)
Love you Miss Marge and may God CONTINUE to bless you and all your family too!
Love Judy
I read your comment right after Easter! But I thought I should have let you know :)
Be sure to let us know when the big day arrives,...Grandma Judy! Just testing :) It sounds GOOD!
Have a great weekend!