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No Greater Pain
By: Maxine M.

The loss of a child…could parents ever receive a more devastating blow?
Through disease or accident it’s a horrible nightmare no one wants to know
But some ARE chosen to go through this awful ordeal so an example to others they can bestow

An example of hope & faith that God’s Grace will sustain
And show the way to Him when life all around seems totally insane
When the “WHYS” consume our mind, threatening to destroy our very brain

What purpose could a loving heavenly Father have had in mind?
To take a child whose life was just beginning…one so sweet, adorable and kind
Or was this after all the way to accomplish the Master plan He had designed

For we must remember…our children really all belong to Him
He only LOANS them to us, to fill our cup of joy to the very brim
And each child has his/her OWN PURPOSE to fulfill when life is so terribly grim

Jesus, with outstretched arms said “Let the little children come to Me”
Forbid them not…it’s that simple child-like trust in Me that CAN set men free
For a child trusts that a parent knows best…accepting what they cannot see

No child is ever really LOST if their memory isn’t allowed to fade
For our memory too is a gift from God…and their life, on others, a great impact was made
Let the love you had for them be distributed to others…their eternal value weighed

Can you visualize your child healthy, happy & playing on Heaven’s golden street?
Getting acquainted with all those gone on before…so many other children to meet
When playtime is over, they’ll be found listening quietly at the Master’s feet

For they’ve found an eternal safe, secure happiness…a GLORIOUS future set in stone
That will supercede all those wonderful but temporary accomplishments they might have known
For on earth, the bright flash of success will eventually fade time has shown

Now, we must all take the journey these children took at some later date
And we who have reached the “age of accountability” are responsible for the offenses we perpetrate
So we must come to ACCEPT Jesus’ SUBSTITUATIONAL payment before its too late

Because He paid with His own blood, OUR ENTERANCE into Heaven’s Gate…
A “FREE TICKET”, so to speak, by our acceptance we can live life with a brand new clean slate
And one day be reunited with these children…OH! Won’t that be great?!

So we grieve with you over your loss and pray your heart will one day heal
That your child’s memory stays bright & fresh…their zest for life never loses its appeal
And that all those whose lives they touched will find Christ’s saving seal


Marge said…
Great poem!

How is your Mom doing now?

God bless,

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