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By: Maxine M.

Ever watch one of those old time melodramas where the characters OVER act?
Their dramatic performance prompts us to emotionally react
Villain vs. Hero is the usual theme, but the scripts are not exact

A distressed young women cries, “Oh please, I cannot pay the rent!”
The villain replies, “You MUST pay the rent…down to the last RED cent!”
“I CAN’T pay the rent!”, “You MUST pay the rent!”…as the villain refuses to relent

And then, without fail, the HERO steps in to SAVE the day
Pays what’s owed & sends the villain scurrying on his way
“OH!! You are MY Hero!”, the young lady over & over will say

Now, the fact that rent was owed was never in dispute
And the young women wasn’t EXEMPT because she was charming, witty & cute
It was her total inability to pay…her abject poverty, which was so acute

In OUR world, there also lurks a villain waiting gleefully for our demise
Pride & arrogance had cost him his powerful position…much to his surprise
Now he seeks whom he can devour…ALL are fair game in his eyes

Since we too, without EXCEPTION, are born owing a debt we cannot pay
For SIN entered the world that day when Adam & Eve CHOSE to disobey
And, as their descendants, ALL our lives are MARKED with some blight day after day

But there in the Garden, as Judgment to the Serpent was handed down, a PLAN was also born
A plan for “NEW BIRTH”, designed to reestablish the Mantle of Righteousness Adam had worn
A way for ALL, down through the centuries, to OVERCOME sin’s distain & scorn

Because as a holy, pure, righteous God, sin couldn’t be tolerated, over-looked or ignored
“PAYMENT” would have to be made before fellowship could be restored
How was this possible? The debt was WAY more than a human could afford

But there was “ONE” who could make the payment for the debt owed
The very sinless Son of GOD…it was His Holy Blood that freely flowed
The ONLY possible way that Salvation & Eternal life in Heaven could be bestowed

So Jesus, our Savior, our Hero, GAVE His life…that this UNATTAINABLE sum could be paid
But it was His RESURRECTION, the very emptiness of His tomb where He laid
That can completely provide a guaranteed future…despair for hope & joy trade

Now, OTHER methods of payment are tried but fall oh so short when life is done
Some try just “keeping the rules”, but find its impossible not to break even one
Some by good deeds, by giving treasure or dedication to every GOOD cause under the sun

But its only a total surrender to CHRIST that the recompense is made complete
Confessing our sins in repentance and in gratitude…full prostrate at our Hero’s feet
Thus, restored to the Father in New Birth…Oh!! Could anything be as sweet?!

So, like in the melodrama, the villain is booed right off the stage
And being deprived of victory has put him in a terrible rage
He knows his demise is assured when Jesus comes again at the end of age

Like the “damsel in distress”, IF we ACCEPT the payment Christ made for us all
We will be safe & secure from Judgment’s wrath that will one day fall
Sealed forever with the words “This one’s debt is PAID” …be escorted into the “Banquet Hall”


Marge said…
Merry Christmas to you, and your entire family!

God bless,

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