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He’s Coming!
By: Maxine M.

Ever gotten a note from a long time friend…one you’ve been just longing to see?
Saying I’ll be in your area SOON, just not sure which day it will be
Wouldn’t joy & excitement fill your heart to the extreme degree

Your thoughts would turn to, ‘I need NOW to quickly prepare’
Straighten the guest room…open the windows, fill it with fresh clean air
Better go shopping, the pantry shelves are getting fairly bare

Check for dust in these dark corners where it’s easy to over look
Get out the company china, polish the silver, make a list of favorite dishes to cook
Will they prefer the dining room or the cozy breakfast nook?

In joyful anticipation, we would go about our daily task
Telling everyone the REASON for our excitement…all who would ask
Preparing isn’t a hardship when in the expectation of their coming we bask

Now so also, JESUS too is coming! He PROMISED to come again…could it be today?
He’ll be coming in the clouds, all believers will be “caught up” to Him, just as the bible would say
Coming to REMOVE His own from this world’s awful, dreadful tribulation fray

But like restless & fidgety children, we don’t like to wait
We want dessert before finishing the vegetables on our plate
Everything “looks ready” to us, so we assume He must be late

“Where is the promise of His coming?” some impatiently begin to say
But the Lord isn’t slack concerning His promise for at the PERFECT moment, He will not delay
When ALL have come…All who will believe the Message of Salvation He came to convey

For the first time he came, He came as Saviour, He’ll come AGAIN as Supreme Judge & victorious King
The first time He conquered death & its dire sting, this time Eternal rewards He’ll bring
“I’m coming BACK SOON”…the wonderful exciting promise to which we cling

Now that we’re CERTAIN of His coming, it’s just a matter of “when”
“Soon” could mean today, tomorrow, this year or even way more than ten
Only the Father knows for sure…not a scholar or philosopher with skillful pen

So the question isn’t “Is He coming”? The question is “Are we ready yet”?
Have WE done all we can to declare His coming to all the LOST we’ve met?
Told them of the Father’s plan…how His Son would pay THEIR sin’s debt

Are we really as “rapture ready” as we like to think?
Jesus asked “from My cup, are you ready to drink”?
Have you prayed for that friend on the emotional brink?

Are there attitudes to change, relationships to mend BEFORE we leave?
Has the Great Commission of Evangelization been fully achieved?
Does our apathy, lack of concern for the masses, leave Him grieved?

Has He designated YOU to be that co-worker or neighbor’s spiritual link?
What has He asked YOU to do thats still undone…from this “particular” task do you shrink?
He said when ALL things are in place, He’ll come before we can blink

Is there “baggage” in our lives we need to be RID of before that day arrives?
“Habits” that compete for our attention…Jesus 1st, the goal for which a Christian strives
Have we wearied our works of faith, labors of love…concerned mainly for our own lives?

But we are God’s appointed “watchmen on the wall”, WARNINGS to the lost we are to cry
Would loved ones be LEFT BEHIND if you left in that twinkling of an eye?
Yes?! Then you still have work to do BEFORE you or they die

So GET BUSY!! We’re not to just sit as if waiting for a train at the station
There are souls to be saved…souls of every gender, race and nation
But as you work, keep one eye on the clouds in Great Expectation



There is not a more beautiful spot in the whole blogasphere than here.

I can just spend hours here, looking at the pictures, and reading your Mom's inspired poetry.

Thank you so much for sharing.

Let's keep on keeping on.

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