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Three Days
By: Maxine M.

Three days!!, that changed “LIFE” for everyone past, present and future here on earth.
The first was that Glorious day when angels announced Christ’s birth
The coming of our Savior!!...a day of utmost worth

God Himself becoming a human baby…lowly beginning, common name
Now children are born everyday, some rise to honor & some fall into shame
But unlike any other child, ONLY Jesus a VIRGIN birth could claim

Imagine—the Creator of the universe, now dependent on others for His care
The 2nd person of the Trinity, swaddling clothes would wear
Satan’s sadistic plans FAILED…soon he’d be caught in Jehovah’s snare

Because the “Devine Plan” of Salvation was set in motion that day
The Father’s plan to “buy back” the souls of those willing to repent and obey
REDEEM them from sin’s death sentence…for ALL have sinned, so there was NO OTHER way

The second day was 3 decades plus later on a Friday in early spring
Storm clouds were gathering and this time angels would weep instead of sing
Knowing the awful heavy burden on Him this day would bring

Because the Sinless Son of God would take the punishment deserved by US all
CRUCIFIED at Calvary!! stripped, scourged, beaten…He answered His Father’s call
For there are NONE righteous in themselves…NO!! Not even ONE since Adam’s fall

If only they had realized WHO it was they were about to slay
But in spite of pain and suffering, forgiveness for His tormentors He’d pray
Now the worst anguish was the separation when the Father turned His face away

His life was GIVEN!! Not taken as the mob thought was true
Then the Father “responded”, the earth shook, rocks split, a mighty wind blew
Brave & tough Roman soldiers trembled in fear…the veil in the temple was torn in two

The Lord of Glory was then laid in a cold dark tomb
His heartbroken followers faded away, thinking now our old life we’ll have to resume
His role in saving Israel from Rome had failed…they were to assume

THEN the THIRD and MOST AWESOME day in history would arrive!!
For it wasn’t just another martyr’s death for which He would strive
But total VICTORY over death, proclaimed again by angels… “HE’s ALIVE!!”

“He’s Alive! Risen from the dead, Alive forevermore!”, they joyously declared
Go tell the disciples, tell Peter, tell EVERONE who, for Him cared
Tell of a Resurrection Day, something no one before or since has dared

Because of HIS, we TOO will all have a resurrection day of our own
But not all arising to the SAME destiny, our Father has shown
Some will reign with the King Supreme, some will weep and wail…their fate set in stone

As TRUE Christians, CELEBRATE these 3 wonderous days…the COMPLETED plan God wrought
The putting into place the FINISHED work that Jesus’ precious blood bought
Now “who-so-ever-will” may find the eternal peace so long for sought

CELEBRATE that our Lord WILLINGLY consented to let the plan succeed
Knowing that by His rising again, from sin’s bondage we could be freed
So celebrate EASTER!! Because He IS risen, He IS Risen INDEED!



Just Wonderful.

I was just thinking how I wished Maxine and Don could see how lovely the poems are presented on your blogspot.

Then, I had a thought. Next time you go to see them, take your brand new smacking touch laptop with you and let them take a peek.

I know, I know, you've probably already thought of it and done it.

And, I know you love me anyway.

Keep on keeping on.
Thanks soooo muches Child for always being so supportive of Mom's poems...actually they are more like rhyming stories, don't you think?

I posted it over at Joel's yesterday but with all the filthy "blinded by the DARK" posts FROM and TO the anonymous posters and this one named Glen4Jesus (total blasphemy calling himself that the way he acts if you ask me)...fter almost 100 more "tear Joel's rep apart posts" I just deleted it from that filthy mess.
I had tried to change the subject to Christ our Saviour with posting it but NOBODY could see past their getting their "diggs in" on the others...
I must give HIGH compliments to Marge as later on she got on and gave them all a good what 4 about not acknowledging the Holy week...but to no avail.
I feel sickened that even some regular posters are falling for this satanistic attack...and during the most Holy of HOLIdays!

Please Lord...come soon!!
Love Judy
Oh Judy, I am so sorry to hear that.

I chatted wtih Dave and Stacy yesterday, and they shared some of the garbage with me.

I don't think they mentioned anyone with that name though, I think they were disgusted with some of the anonymous posters.

Maybe you could try again tomorrow to post the Easter poem. It would be "a bright light," in a dark place.

Actually, everytime we tell the gospel story, it is being heard in a dark place. The world itself is basically a dark place with the light of Jesus shining here and there.

We are not to hide our light from the world of darkness, but place it in the darkest places, in the highest spot for all those who need it the most.

So, I think you should post it again. That spot needs the light desperately.

When the Pharisees questioned Jesus about his associating with "sinners" he answered them by saying that "those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick."

So maybe while Joel's blog is being attacked by sinners and hypocrites, is the perfect timing for your Mom's poem with the only answer for sinful man.

Pray about it.

I'm loving you and yours.

Keep on keeping on........

We're going home soon.

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