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Where’s The Sun?
By: Maxine M.

Ever driven in dense fog…a cloud hanging too close to the ground?
A cloud is a body of moisture that obscures sight & sound
All senses need to be on ALERT as fear and anxiety compound

We can’t see what lies directly in our chosen path ahead
Familiar landmarks are unavailable…the confusion in fog, to many, accidents have lead
There’s no traveling full stream forward, but caution must be used instead

When flying in a cloud, on instruments a plane MUST rely
Ships search for the lighthouse…its light and sound to penetrate the foggy sky
“Storm clouds” can be ALARMING…mother’s try to hush a child’s frightened cry

Peter, James & John were also frightened when a cloud engulfed them on a mountain side
A cloud led the children of Israel and in it, God’s very presence would abide
Now, these clouds were LITERAL, but the term “cloudy”, to emotions, also can be APPLIED

Applied to those days when we can’t seem to take life in stride
Those dark depressing mornings when we know TODAY will be a bumpy ride
When yesterday’s baggage & tomorrow’s fear simple COLLIDE

That CLOUD of gloom and loss of purpose that can follow WHERE EVER we go
There are decisions to be made, but HOW to decide…who can know?
IF ONLY, the winds of “good fortune” on us would finally blow

We handle these little fluffy clouds that seem to aimlessly drift
It’s when thick dark clouds roll in do we realize SUNLIGHT is God’s gift
So we long for the sun to shine…give our burdened spirit a lift

When we travel by car, ship or plane, eventually we’ll leave that literal fog behind
And the SUN IS shining ABOVE the clouds and it has been ALL ALONG we find
So now our destination can be accomplished…goals realigned

Emotionally too, Jesus “the Son” is always there above the clouds of misery & despair
Waiting patiently for us to come to Him… our troubles and needs to Him share
Therefore, we can trust His love, care and concern for us…even when we’re totally unaware

So have clouds developed between you & the Son?
Is the light shining as bright as when your journey together 1st begun?
NO?! Is it the LORD who has CHANGED? Or is there PARTS of His word we wish to shun

Are there “situations” in life we really don’t want to surrender…times when we need to submit?
“Things” we cling to, habits we hold more dear than we want to admit
Are these the reason clouds have FORMED…clouds that separate, clouds WE PERMIT

Are you weary of cloudy days? Are you ready to walk in the “Son’s” light again?
A sincere contrite heart He never turns away…that’s the place to begin
With our recommitment to obedience, VICTORY over those clouds HE will win

For even the clouds belong to Him…His commands they must obey
Remember how a cloud received Him to Heaven on Ascension Day
PROMISING, when ALL things are READY, He’ll come again the very same way

Then every eye will behold Him…in all His GLORY, wonder & might
He will separate His own unto Himself, the future will look OH SO BRIGHT
And we’ll spend a CLOUDLESS eternity walking in perfect “SON-LIGHT”


Great Grany 5 said…
Oh, Judy, Judy, Judy; one more time your momma has said it all and I love it!

I miss you so very much and I know that things must not be going as you need them to but Judy, God has his Hands covering you and yours. Just trust him to always be there and right on time. Keeping you in my prayers and expecting to hear of your victories soon!

Grany Wilma
Marge said…
I agree with Wilma. We miss hearing from you.

How about checking in with us, from time to time? You can click on either of our names, and post at the new blog :)


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