Confidence or Pride?
By: Maxine M.
Confidence…trust, belief and certainty that what we undertake CAN be DONE
Example – God told Joshua “Be not afraid”…through ME your victories will be won
And Solomon asked for GOD’S wisdom so this great people’s business he could run
Abram left home CONFIDENT that God’s promise of a new land was true
Moses FOUND confidence to lead all those people even when THEIR discontent grew
Samson knew it was God’s power & strength when a lion he slew
Paul spoke BOLDLY for Christ, even tho his bodily image wasn’t large or intimidating
Because even amid perils and dangers, CONFIDENCE in his LORD he found exhilarating
CONFIDENT that no matter life’s outcome, the open arms of JESUS were waiting
Indeed all the Bible’s “Heroes of Faith” had confidence…what God could do through them was limitless
Because they trusted Him in a lion’s den, in prisons, in a firey furnace…in every kind of mess
Confident their tribulation, our lives today would bless
Now, the trouble comes when confidence turns to plain old PRIDE
For pride says “I” can do this”, thus God’s enabling power has been denied
Those boastful words I, me, mine, pride constantly has cried
The headlines tell us day after day how pride has caused someone’s destructive fall
Proud of THEIR ability, THEIR money, THEIR beauty…or the power the world would install
But all these can be lost in a moment in time…circumstance take a drastic over-haul
Because Jesus declared, without Me you can do nothing (truly lasting and worthwhile)
But that you CAN confidently do all things through Me…My strength and ability compile
So we see God’s confidence accomplishes…pride eventually will destroy and defile
Pride thinks of “Self” foremost, when our Lord said “put others first”
Pride loves to boast…Jesus said “let your life in ME be immersed”
Our humanity says “WE DESERVE the best”, but humility says these roles should be reversed
In fact, EVERYTHING we think we have a right to brag about
When we really consider, it all came from the FATHER…there’s no doubt
The talent, ability, knowledge to accumulate wealth is HIS gift…THANK YOU we should shout!
Did YOU PICK what family you were born into?
A family of influential status or one where privileges are few
That position of power you have obtained…how long before it belongs to someone new?
You didn’t have a thing to say in your initial appearance…the beauty the eye perceives
Wasn’t your unique stature & physical prowess a GIFT you received?
When we, in pride, accept HIS rightful GLORY…oh, how His heart must be grieved!
So you see, it’s by confidence in GOD’S ability, HIS ever FAITHFULNESS that we behold
By trusting HIS promises recorded in that Greatest Story ever told
ONLY by Faith can we lift our heads high…be secure & bold
By humbly accepting HIS PLAN for US…to His promises cling
It’s that strong assurance & trust that will make our hearts sing
And AVOID the inevitable destruction that PRIDE will bring
By: Maxine M.
Confidence…trust, belief and certainty that what we undertake CAN be DONE
Example – God told Joshua “Be not afraid”…through ME your victories will be won
And Solomon asked for GOD’S wisdom so this great people’s business he could run
Abram left home CONFIDENT that God’s promise of a new land was true
Moses FOUND confidence to lead all those people even when THEIR discontent grew
Samson knew it was God’s power & strength when a lion he slew
Paul spoke BOLDLY for Christ, even tho his bodily image wasn’t large or intimidating
Because even amid perils and dangers, CONFIDENCE in his LORD he found exhilarating
CONFIDENT that no matter life’s outcome, the open arms of JESUS were waiting
Indeed all the Bible’s “Heroes of Faith” had confidence…what God could do through them was limitless
Because they trusted Him in a lion’s den, in prisons, in a firey furnace…in every kind of mess
Confident their tribulation, our lives today would bless
Now, the trouble comes when confidence turns to plain old PRIDE
For pride says “I” can do this”, thus God’s enabling power has been denied
Those boastful words I, me, mine, pride constantly has cried
The headlines tell us day after day how pride has caused someone’s destructive fall
Proud of THEIR ability, THEIR money, THEIR beauty…or the power the world would install
But all these can be lost in a moment in time…circumstance take a drastic over-haul
Because Jesus declared, without Me you can do nothing (truly lasting and worthwhile)
But that you CAN confidently do all things through Me…My strength and ability compile
So we see God’s confidence accomplishes…pride eventually will destroy and defile
Pride thinks of “Self” foremost, when our Lord said “put others first”
Pride loves to boast…Jesus said “let your life in ME be immersed”
Our humanity says “WE DESERVE the best”, but humility says these roles should be reversed
In fact, EVERYTHING we think we have a right to brag about
When we really consider, it all came from the FATHER…there’s no doubt
The talent, ability, knowledge to accumulate wealth is HIS gift…THANK YOU we should shout!
Did YOU PICK what family you were born into?
A family of influential status or one where privileges are few
That position of power you have obtained…how long before it belongs to someone new?
You didn’t have a thing to say in your initial appearance…the beauty the eye perceives
Wasn’t your unique stature & physical prowess a GIFT you received?
When we, in pride, accept HIS rightful GLORY…oh, how His heart must be grieved!
So you see, it’s by confidence in GOD’S ability, HIS ever FAITHFULNESS that we behold
By trusting HIS promises recorded in that Greatest Story ever told
ONLY by Faith can we lift our heads high…be secure & bold
By humbly accepting HIS PLAN for US…to His promises cling
It’s that strong assurance & trust that will make our hearts sing
And AVOID the inevitable destruction that PRIDE will bring