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Search Me, Oh Lord
By: Maxine M.

Ever gone to the doctor with mysterious symptoms, wondering what’s wrong?
Trying to figure out WHY you’re feeling weak & tired instead of physically strong
Then the doctor decides an MRI test is needed as health they try to prolong

This test will show “whatever” is amiss anywhere inside
For seldom can disease or growths, from its concise piercing picture, hide
Internal organs are easily seen…heart & brain, where often trouble can abide

A technician takes pictures, reads the graphs, reports the results
A diagnosis is made…hopefully designed so the problem halts
Perhaps with a group of specialists your doctor consults

But have you also been mentally, emotionally, spiritually a little sluggish in recent days?
Something’s wrong!! But what? Maybe it’s a mid-life crisis phase
A typical MRI won’t reveal it…no matter how strong it’s penetrating rays

David felt these unusual pangs nagging at his inner-being
A sense of “worth” & “purpose” had vanished…productivity was retreating
For those old enemies of doubt & fear, his confidence, were defeating

In desperation he cried out “SEARCH me, oh Lord & know my heart!”
Try me!! Test me!! Why has my life suddenly come apart?
Now, the eyes of the Lord SEE beyond any machine’s ability…however smart

REVEALED are thoughts, motives, secret desires hiding deep within
He’ll see that “heart problem” be it jealousy, envy, bitterness…common for mortal men
His eyes will scan the brain…where lust and materialism, for dominance, try to win

Exposed is the growth of resentment that’s never been released
No wonder the ability to produce compassion has nearly ceased
And worry, anxiety, cares, deceitfulness have all increased

His sharp discerning gaze will disclose emotional bruises of the past
Scarring can be seen from years of a “hot temper’s” blast
The harm done by anger, conceit and pride are extensive & vast

His “search” is THOROUGH…checking to see if ears are deaf to someone’s desperate need
Eyes blind to the GOOD in others, denying them a chance to succeed
Is the tongue “sharpened” by years of gossip & backbiting…in spite of where that may lead

So, just as the x-ray shows the problem…the reason for our elusive signs
GENUINELY asking the Lord to SEARCH us and tell us what He finds
May open a door of painful awareness, of hidden faults & flaws growing like clinging vines

Because those “all seeing” eyes will unmask hypocrisy…prejudice reveal
Self-centeredness, superiority…all those emotional conditions we may not even know we feel
But keep us from that close relationship with Him…our joy and contentment steal

Whatever condition is found, “ACTION” will be REQUIRED
Be it physical, spiritual or emotional, disregarding FACTS is not desired
It may demand a surgeon’s knife OR like David, REPENTANCE…that a good long look at himself would inspire

But in every circumstance, a change in “LIFE-STYLE” will be a vital part of the recovering deal
An established decision of commitment to the Lord…before whom we kneel
Renewed strength & courage to help our body, mind & soul heal

So why do we often HESITATE to know what will be uncovered by an MRI test
Or reluctant as to what we’ll have to deal with when total inner TRUTH is addressed
Ignorance ISN’T bliss…a complete wise comprehension is BEST


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