Solitude or Loneliness?
Maxine M.
At the end of a busy, noisy, hectic day don’t we often seek a little solitude?
Just some soft gentle background music will quiet our mood
Let our thoughts untangle…pressures of the day dare not intrude
And we all enjoy that time alone…when we meet with the Lord in prayer
One on one…with no distractions, kneeling beside our favorite chair
The damages of life’s stressful hours perhaps the Psalms will repair
But isn’t there a difference between solitude and loneliness that we can perceive?
For solitude is often sought…loneliness we never want to conceive
Solitude refreshes…loneliness; a dark web will quickly weave
Solitude happens when we’re alone…loneliness can happen in a crowd
Is there anyone who truly understands these thoughts loneliness has allowed?
Now, unwittingly, a sense of being alone can occur between those who “FOREVER” vowed
Time & distraction can send them in different directions and agendas…seek a different goal
Being too busy, disagreements, lack of sharing inner-most feelings can take a toll
So loneliness creeps in & fills that place within our soul
Longingly we remember those times & people with whom we could always share
The secrets of heart and mind…long talks a daily affair
But again, time & distance have crept in, now anything but polite conversation is rare
Even the people we LOVE in our family aren’t always in harmony…on the same page
For loneliness can grow from childhood to that ever increasing lonely older age
When many friends and loved ones have passed on…exiting life’s ever changing stage
We earnestly desire these feelings of isolation to flee…find one true ally
An understanding friend to turn to WHEN life goes awry
To laugh with us in the good times…cry when we cry
BUT the good news is we CAN have a constant companion who does just THAT
Emotions of separation, disconnection He can readily combat
He knows!! He can empathize!!…always available for a “heart felt” chat
Jesus will be our Saviour, Friend, Brother…if we only ASK
If we’d remember that He’s always there, always equal to the task
Of protecting, encouraging, comforting…all under lying fears unmask
Now if you’re in loneliness’ grip, especially in that quiet mid-night hour
Call out to this ONE whose death & resurrection can fill you with Hope’s enabling power
Lift the insecurity of “ALONENESS”…with blessings of His Grace, completely shower
We need to TRUST Him to provide the MORTAL people we need
Or perhaps YOU are the one to help others, in their battle against loneliness, succeed
Because it’s in helping someone else, from despair WE are freed
So view each person who comes across your path today
As a potential cure for YOUR loneliness...REACH OUT!! Really listen to what they have to say
Let it be Christ’s love for them, through US He can convey
With Jesus always constantly there beside you day & night
And a few truly caring people in whom you can confide or advise them in their plight
We’ll enjoy our moments of solitude, but loneliness will have to take flight
Maxine M.
At the end of a busy, noisy, hectic day don’t we often seek a little solitude?
Just some soft gentle background music will quiet our mood
Let our thoughts untangle…pressures of the day dare not intrude
And we all enjoy that time alone…when we meet with the Lord in prayer
One on one…with no distractions, kneeling beside our favorite chair
The damages of life’s stressful hours perhaps the Psalms will repair
But isn’t there a difference between solitude and loneliness that we can perceive?
For solitude is often sought…loneliness we never want to conceive
Solitude refreshes…loneliness; a dark web will quickly weave
Solitude happens when we’re alone…loneliness can happen in a crowd
Is there anyone who truly understands these thoughts loneliness has allowed?
Now, unwittingly, a sense of being alone can occur between those who “FOREVER” vowed
Time & distraction can send them in different directions and agendas…seek a different goal
Being too busy, disagreements, lack of sharing inner-most feelings can take a toll
So loneliness creeps in & fills that place within our soul
Longingly we remember those times & people with whom we could always share
The secrets of heart and mind…long talks a daily affair
But again, time & distance have crept in, now anything but polite conversation is rare
Even the people we LOVE in our family aren’t always in harmony…on the same page
For loneliness can grow from childhood to that ever increasing lonely older age
When many friends and loved ones have passed on…exiting life’s ever changing stage
We earnestly desire these feelings of isolation to flee…find one true ally
An understanding friend to turn to WHEN life goes awry
To laugh with us in the good times…cry when we cry
BUT the good news is we CAN have a constant companion who does just THAT
Emotions of separation, disconnection He can readily combat
He knows!! He can empathize!!…always available for a “heart felt” chat
Jesus will be our Saviour, Friend, Brother…if we only ASK
If we’d remember that He’s always there, always equal to the task
Of protecting, encouraging, comforting…all under lying fears unmask
Now if you’re in loneliness’ grip, especially in that quiet mid-night hour
Call out to this ONE whose death & resurrection can fill you with Hope’s enabling power
Lift the insecurity of “ALONENESS”…with blessings of His Grace, completely shower
We need to TRUST Him to provide the MORTAL people we need
Or perhaps YOU are the one to help others, in their battle against loneliness, succeed
Because it’s in helping someone else, from despair WE are freed
So view each person who comes across your path today
As a potential cure for YOUR loneliness...REACH OUT!! Really listen to what they have to say
Let it be Christ’s love for them, through US He can convey
With Jesus always constantly there beside you day & night
And a few truly caring people in whom you can confide or advise them in their plight
We’ll enjoy our moments of solitude, but loneliness will have to take flight