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Father!! Is There Any Other Way?
By: Maxine M.

Father!! Is There Any Other Way?

As His hour approached, THIS, the Son of God, in agony would ask
Feelings of anxiety & despair, from His Father, He didn’t try to mask
To bare all the awful ugly sins of the world…even its Creator was overwhelmed by this enormous task

The severe sense of pain, humiliation, and degradation He soon would bare
He was to drink from the cup of the Father’s wrath…which was rightfully OURS to share
In His divine knowledge, what all THAT would involve, He was totally aware

But since He & the Father were ONE, He knew what the answer would be
Because He’d already told His followers, “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, & the eternal LIFE”…you’ll see
“For no one comes to the Father except through ME”

I AM the door…those who enter by Me will be saved & prevail
I know My sheep…I carry & strengthen all who are weak and frail
But the MANY who try to enter Heaven by “other means” are doomed to fail

And so the PLAN proceeded as scheduled, for there was NO OTHER way
Only HIS perfect holy blood could, man’s TREMENDOUS debt, pay
But, as He predicted, MANY “other ways” are attempted every day

By thinking “Surely good works & good deeds are all that will be required”
Generously giving time, talent, treasure, fairly treating those I’ve hired
How could a loving God refuse one whom people have so highly admired?

Perhaps by church attendance every week…a leadership role just to be sure
Repeated prayers, religious fervor, to STRICT church doctrine defer
That surely must count for a ticket to Heaven at the time death will occur

Another way may be to keep the Commandments…or at least honestly try
We keep BIG ones like murder, stealing or adultery…but those OTHERS, we can NOT deny
Have been “BENT” or broken…just when does “love your neighbor” fully apply?

Some put confidence in being a “good” person, GOOD citizen with standards and moral virture
Perhaps that occasional LAPSE in integrity…but surely no on knew
Faults, failures? Well, yes…but doesn’t everyone have a few?

Now, some “other ways” exclude Jesus…as Sovereign Lord, He’s rejected
Their rites and rituals with unrestrained hatred have been infected
Thus, with a steady ethical decline, our Nation has been affected

Now, IF ANY of those ways had been SUFFICIENT, Jesus WOULD NOT have had to die
Imagine how God’s very heart was broken hearing His Son’s tormented painful cry
For He would have gladly given His beloved Son a different reply

But salvation can NOT be obtained by sitting in a weekly church pew
Heaven can NOT be earned by brotherly kindness or “good” charitable works we accrue
For who’s to say how GOOD is GOOD ENOUGH, or were the MOTIVES true

Still we argue “Doesn’t God just want us to do OUR best…treat every one nice?”
But the Father knew OUR good deeds could never pay sin’s high price
ONLY HIS WAY, of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection was perfectly PRECISE

So have YOU, these OTHER WAYS of eternal security, tried to embrace?
Turn your back on them! Come to Christ…one on one, face to face
Because Jesus is the ONLY way…for our Salvation is totally GRACE!


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