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Has Your Money Taken Wings?
By: Maxine M.

Has the last few days and weeks produced a “state of panic” for you?
Has your stability disappeared as if a wind blew away the security you hoped to accrue?
What will the future hold…how will it be different from the life we knew?

When your “money” is GONE!!...where, for reassurance, can you turn?
We struggle in fear’s deadly grip…uncertainty makes our emotions churn
Will things ever get better? Will days of prosperity return?

Was “the Markets” the first thing you checked on in any given day?
Changed investments…at the sound of the bell, buying/selling without delay
Technology made it easy to always hear what the “experts” had to say

Did you totally depend on what your retirement account would earn?
Was it a matter of CORRUPTION & GREED in trusted leaders we didn’t discern?
Power can corrupt the sincerest politician…from HISTORY we can learn

Wasn’t it like the FOX was in charge of the HENHOUSE, so to speak?
They weren’t held ACCOUNTABLE, faulty decisions left the market vulnerable and weak
Now for MANY, the future looks frustrating…despairingly bleak

And the crisis is GLOBAL…as never seen before
Restoring confidence in an unstable system will be quite a chore
Will new leaders in government with common citizens be able to establish a good rapport

Will they look to THEM to somehow make our future secure
Are there any honest people left? Things you can trust are becoming fewer and fewer
But Jesus calmly says, “Acquire from ME gold refined by fire…wealth that will endure”

He declared, “Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where it can not rust or thieves can not steal”
Where they won’t go down in value, become moth-eaten and lose their appeal
My treasure house contains your prayers & good deeds and it’s under My Sovereign seal

Those tears you’ve cried, I’ve kept them all in My bottle…none are lost
And, OH!!, the depth of My riches…no one could ever exhaust
So you see, IF your treasure IS in Heaven you need no longer by doubt & fear be tossed

Hard earned money will bring multiple blessings when invested in spreading the Gospel in a foreign land
Generously given, with PURE motives…not a showy religious “grand stand”
A monetary gift to the Lord results in eternal blessing…verses, that temporary pleasure planned

Compared to “others”, you have so LITTLE…it just doesn’t seem fair
But then you see one with far less and you cheerfully willingly share
Without thinking of the great reward that will be waiting up there

By TIME invested in HELPING…deposits to that Heavenly account are acquired
So are your “God-Given” talents being used for His Glory…as He desires?
Or if YOU ran the universe, would you, for their misuse, long ago have been fired?

Do those “Wall Street Jitters” have you filled with dread?
Wondering how in the world can I now ever get ahead
But shouldn’t we as Christians just trust JESUS instead?

Trust the only ONE who can “FIX” any situation, redeem us, and make our life whole
So rise above what those talk shows proclaim or the latest Gallup Poll
For Almighty God still has EVERYTHING in Heaven & Earth under CONTROL


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