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Now THAT’S Scary!
By: Maxine M.

At the end of October, there’s a “scary” night on the eve of All Saint’s day
Children are eager & excited as to which costume character they want to portray
Perhaps a zombie, monster or skeleton carrying a carved pumpkin with hideous face to display

Ghosts, goblins, witches, even a were-wolf or two trying to hide
Soon they will be roaming the streets in every city far and wide
All designed to be SCARY as “trick or treat” is gleefully cried

For there, in the dark of night, they will try to accumulate a FULL pail
Frightening people along the way is an ADDED BONUS…brings enjoyment without fail
Mysterious sounds will be uttered leaving small ones fainthearted & pale

There will be a new batch of “horror” movies with scenes in bloody gruesome details
Previews of gross ghastly images will help improve ticket sales
Terror is prevalent in all of these suspense filled tales

Girls will scream & boys will TRY to act like a big brave male
They wonder, will the “psycho” kill everyone or will the hero or heroine prevail
Everyone’s pulse will raise…adrenaline, the entire body assail

Thoughts will arise, WHY!! Why did I pay money for this…does that make sense
Now deep inside they all know it’s only an act…a method of pretense
And it’s fear…the memory will fade in time, no matter how intense

The children too will put away their costume, perhaps for a sibling next year
The candy in the bag (with Dad’s help) soon will disappear
And they all know the day after Halloween, there will be nothing for THEM to fear

So life goes on and we wonder, WHERE will the next frightening event come from
The war, terrorists, the enemy, maybe the invasion of disease for some
Now if we pause & think, like the movie, THESE fears we too CAN overcome

But have we STOPPED to CONSIDER the “SCARIEST Thing of All”
Which is to walk through this life without answering our Saviour’s call
It’s the most PRECARIOUS & ALARMING situation man has experienced since Adam’s fall

Ignoring or rejecting the Creator of the Universe!! Isn’t THAT a bone chilling thought?!
Has a FALSE sense of security lured you AWAY from what Jesus taught?
But without His Divine Protection we’re destined, in Satin’s web, to be caught

Now, isn’t that SCARY…to be in the clutches of that ultimate liar?!
Along with him and his demons, spend eternity in that dreaded lake of fire
All because you were too proud to COME to Jesus, as the father would require

So why live life on the edge of a tight-rope without a safety net
Dangers lurk!! along life’s path, WAITING…can be a hazardous bet
Death CAN surprise you…besides, without Christ, you really HAVEN’T lived yet!!

Why not SECURE your future RIGHT NOW by bowing your head in prayer…
LORD!! I know only You can save me. I surrender my life to you…I lay my soul bare
PLEASE, take me under Your loving, all encompassing, protective care

Just as that little one is frightened on Halloween by those monster’s scary charms
And rushes to their parents for reassurance…still & quiet their alarms
Let us ALL seek the ASSURED SAFETY of our Father’s everlasting arms!


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