Satan’s Plot
By: Maxine M.
One day Satan, while walking to & fro on the earth, noticed 2 of his demons seemed depressed
“What’s wrong with you two?” the devil asked. They both broke down & confessed
We’ve been working hard at trying to STOP the Gospel…we’ve done our very best
We’ve seen the trouble and discord, but Jesus’ “Good News” always seems to prevail
These followers of His just won’t give up…they’re even willing to die or go to jail
We’ve “deterred” some through wine, drugs or lust, BUT on these TRUE Christians, even these will fail
We entered many churches, watered down the message till some are now luke-warm
We’ve taken their friends, spouses, children and even pets by accidents, disease and devastating storm
We’ve accused them of INTOLERANCE, yet to this Gospel’s way of life, they still conform
We stirred the “political pot” till hatred for them reigns supreme
We’ve banished their “Book” from schools and poured violence into their cities in a constant stream
Yet they STILL keep trying to SAVE others…bring them into Jesus’ heavenly regime
We infiltrated their worship, proclaiming not ALL the Bible is relevant & true
This lie fooled many, but was NEVER accepted by these faithful few
We’re stumped & defeated…really don’t know what more to do
“Well, Boys!!” the devil said. “Those tactics are all very well & good”
And they’ve stolen the souls of many…like I told you they would
But these are Jesus’ especially chosen ones…all members of His brotherhood
You may as well STOP trying to get THEM to renounce His Holy Name
Your STRATEGY should be to get their FOCUS off Jesus by playing the “date setting” game
If you get one started, they MAY all follow & do the same
It’s just their human nature to try & pin-point the rapture of which Jesus spoke
When even I, with all my cunning & power, don’t know…let alone THESE common folk
But we can use to OUR advantage the mystery this event seems to invoke
For when they are preoccupied with speculations about WHEN that day will unfold
Their minds are not on telling others HOW Jesus died for them…the Gospel story is less told
So we can advance our PLAN…be more blatant & bold
Remember how well this distraction of “date setting” worked on others in the past?
What complete discouragement on their fundamental faith was cast
They won’t turn to us, BUT at least they will be an ineffective witness as long as that disappointment lasts
So, fellows, stir up those headlines…give them something to ponder today
Something that will cause a controversy or debate…a new daily plot to relay
They’ll be so INTRIGUED they won’t spend so much time reading what the Bible has to say
“What a wonderful idea, oh wise evil master”, the demons said with gleeful voice
Since all our strategies have proven to be the wrong choice
Makes sense to use their OWN curiosity…if we can dull their joy, we will greatly rejoice
If they spend their time & energy with thoughts of CALCULATION, the Gospel’s advantage will slow
And if a date is proven wrong, perhaps “cracks” in their faith will start to show
How do they dare think they can figure out something GOD didn’t want them to know?
Now fellow Christians…this is just an imaginary little tale
To show how the devil PLOTS & SCHEMES…how against the Lord, demons try to rail
How they FEAR the Gospel’s saving GRACE, but WE CAN make Satan’s strategy fail
By keeping JESUS Himself in the fore-front of your mind
Anticipating His coming!! But with excitement & patience combined
REDOUBLING efforts to bring with us ALL we can find
So, BE AWARE!! BE ALERT, but always trusting His awesome saving power
That He’ll forever be our Rock & Refuge…our strong abiding Tower
For He PROMISED He’d come at that “just right, UNEXPECTED HOUR”!!
By: Maxine M.
One day Satan, while walking to & fro on the earth, noticed 2 of his demons seemed depressed
“What’s wrong with you two?” the devil asked. They both broke down & confessed
We’ve been working hard at trying to STOP the Gospel…we’ve done our very best
We’ve seen the trouble and discord, but Jesus’ “Good News” always seems to prevail
These followers of His just won’t give up…they’re even willing to die or go to jail
We’ve “deterred” some through wine, drugs or lust, BUT on these TRUE Christians, even these will fail
We entered many churches, watered down the message till some are now luke-warm
We’ve taken their friends, spouses, children and even pets by accidents, disease and devastating storm
We’ve accused them of INTOLERANCE, yet to this Gospel’s way of life, they still conform
We stirred the “political pot” till hatred for them reigns supreme
We’ve banished their “Book” from schools and poured violence into their cities in a constant stream
Yet they STILL keep trying to SAVE others…bring them into Jesus’ heavenly regime
We infiltrated their worship, proclaiming not ALL the Bible is relevant & true
This lie fooled many, but was NEVER accepted by these faithful few
We’re stumped & defeated…really don’t know what more to do
“Well, Boys!!” the devil said. “Those tactics are all very well & good”
And they’ve stolen the souls of many…like I told you they would
But these are Jesus’ especially chosen ones…all members of His brotherhood
You may as well STOP trying to get THEM to renounce His Holy Name
Your STRATEGY should be to get their FOCUS off Jesus by playing the “date setting” game
If you get one started, they MAY all follow & do the same
It’s just their human nature to try & pin-point the rapture of which Jesus spoke
When even I, with all my cunning & power, don’t know…let alone THESE common folk
But we can use to OUR advantage the mystery this event seems to invoke
For when they are preoccupied with speculations about WHEN that day will unfold
Their minds are not on telling others HOW Jesus died for them…the Gospel story is less told
So we can advance our PLAN…be more blatant & bold
Remember how well this distraction of “date setting” worked on others in the past?
What complete discouragement on their fundamental faith was cast
They won’t turn to us, BUT at least they will be an ineffective witness as long as that disappointment lasts
So, fellows, stir up those headlines…give them something to ponder today
Something that will cause a controversy or debate…a new daily plot to relay
They’ll be so INTRIGUED they won’t spend so much time reading what the Bible has to say
“What a wonderful idea, oh wise evil master”, the demons said with gleeful voice
Since all our strategies have proven to be the wrong choice
Makes sense to use their OWN curiosity…if we can dull their joy, we will greatly rejoice
If they spend their time & energy with thoughts of CALCULATION, the Gospel’s advantage will slow
And if a date is proven wrong, perhaps “cracks” in their faith will start to show
How do they dare think they can figure out something GOD didn’t want them to know?
Now fellow Christians…this is just an imaginary little tale
To show how the devil PLOTS & SCHEMES…how against the Lord, demons try to rail
How they FEAR the Gospel’s saving GRACE, but WE CAN make Satan’s strategy fail
By keeping JESUS Himself in the fore-front of your mind
Anticipating His coming!! But with excitement & patience combined
REDOUBLING efforts to bring with us ALL we can find
So, BE AWARE!! BE ALERT, but always trusting His awesome saving power
That He’ll forever be our Rock & Refuge…our strong abiding Tower
For He PROMISED He’d come at that “just right, UNEXPECTED HOUR”!!