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Showing posts from 2008
Peace On Earth By: Maxine M. Peace?? Aren’t we, in reality, very very far from peace? Everywhere in the world “acts of war” are about to find new release Treaties and pacts are broken, long time allegiances soon will cease Discord among nations & lack of harmony through out people of every race Political affiliations disagree on the fundamentals they should embrace In our families, in churches, between governments…peace seems to find NO resting place Tension in marriages, conflict among employees in the work force The presence of order & calm vanishes at every irritating source Every hurt and perceived injustice brings thoughts of vengeful recourse So what did the angels mean declaring “On Earth peace and good will toward men”? Since those first 2 siblings were born, true peace has never been For even the peace and tranquility in nature ceased to exist at the coming of sin The Jews waited for the promised “MESSIAH” to bring ...
What’s Your Title? By: Maxine M. The nation just went through months of campaigning…millions of dollars spent Mud was slung, dirty secrets aired, FEW solutions were ever sent All to give the winner the coveted title of “President” Now, not all seek this higher office, but SOME SORT of title we seem to desire A title that says “You’re the Best” at what you do…one your contemporaries admire That next rank up the military ladder or some public office to which we aspire A title is a way of identification, distinguishing ONE from the rest The word “champion” before your name means at least for now you’re the best Clearly shows you’ve been victorious…risen above the competitive test We all have titles of some sort, be it honorable or derogatory Some have “secrets” behind that fancy title, but TRUTH is another story The Bible says it’s a great INJUSTICE to give one unworthy improper glory Now, you see, many titles are given but can also be ta...
Do You Have Room? By: Maxine M. The decree went forth…everyone had to go to their home town to register Go in person!! Joseph worried about Mary…how hard would this trip be on her (This was LONG before they could register ONLINE, right where they were) So this trip of many days was very difficult for them both, to say the very least We grumble about a long car trip, but Joseph WALKED beside Mary astride a smelly beast Night fell as they neared Bethlehem…suddenly their stress level was increased Those first pangs of labor told Mary it won’t be long now “Joseph!!”, she exclaimed, “we must find shelter soon somehow” “Yes Mary, there’s an Inn up ahead…it says No Vacancy, but perhaps an exception they’ll allow” NO ROOM, NO ROOM!!, the Inn-keeper insistently cried…if only he’d known He could have given the “Lord of Glory” HIS bed…but no kindness was shown The census was a financial BOON & he wanted to “CASH IN” on a wind fall of his...
Hope in the Midst of Turmoil By: Maxine M. Turmoil!! Everywhere you turn, there’s turmoil & panic all across our land Confusion over just WHERE, at this moment in time, do I really stand Who can provide the answers this day & hour demands Politicians & leaders give the SAME redundant speech day after day All proclaiming, “Follow me, I have the solution…I know the way” BUT when they falter & fail to deliver, it’s the PEOPLE who have to pay So the worry CONTINUES, questions abound & go unanswered…what shall I do? Is my job secure? I’ve heard the competition is laying off quite a few Has the Market hit bottom? Those MIS-managers, I wish I could sue Housing market & car dealerships in trouble…at losses their products are being sold Building construction & expansion projects are now being put on hold Banks are closing, there’s NO confidence in investing...the conclusion of those polled Our enemies rejoic...
REMEMBER to say Thank You By: Maxine M. Luke tells us of 10 lepers who begged Jesus for mercy one day He told them “GO!! Show yourselves to the priests” and they were CURED as they went to obey But only ONE came back to say THANK YOU…the others just went on their way Now, we think, HOW RUDE!! What a thoughtless thing to do! But, how many times are we blessed and forget to say thank you We acknowledge a kind act from a friend, neighbor or loved one, its true BUT, when it comes to the “Giver of all Good Gifts”, are we as appreciative as we should be? Thank Him for living (at least for now) in a land that is free And for the wonders of His enormous created world that we all can daily see? Even in the midst of the man-made rubble & disorder…all the messes WE make His goodness and perfection still can be seen in a snow-capped mountain and shimmering lake Seen on that star-studded night when, for some reason, we’re still aw...
Just A Piece of The Puzzle By: Maxine M. The election is OVER!! The majority has spoken…a new era soon will begin Liberal policies will easily be put into place, while giving them a seemingly sensible SPIN But around 30% of the qualified voters DIDN’T vote, not caring who would win Now, at least, all these annoying phone calls & ads will finally cease The “WINNER’S” are seen rejoicing in the streets, giving way to an emotional release There will be a SUPERFICIAL talk of reconciliation…feeble attempt at peace The battle wounds will heal…alls fair in war and politics, they’ll say Now you’ll see how WE “CHANGE” America…just follow OUR way But, somehow, they’ve turned truth’s distinct “black & white” into shades of gray But as good citizens, we’ll support those duly elected to lead Still pray for the good of the country…all of America’s people who have a need Care for the sick and elderly…those most vulnerable, their cries, qui...
When The Closing Bell Rings By: Maxine M. Excitement builds as investors anticipate Wall Street’s opening bell What will the TREND be for today…will it be BUY or SELL? Fortunes made and lost…Remember October, how fast it fell? For with daily trading, The Market’s volatile ups and downs are shown Economic news, the election, company profits all affect that investor on the phone In fear and anxiety, they ponder “do we risk speculation on the unknown? But no matter what drama the trading today brings The ups of the START can be wiped out when the final bell rings All the promise of fortune suddenly took wings But isn’t this a “picture” of how we live all our life long SOME start life neglected, abused, in poverty, everything going wrong But SOMEHOW, SOMEWHERE find the fortitude to finish strong OTHER’S beginnings are happy, secure, privileged and blest But end up in moral decline once they leave the family nest For a WRONG LIFE ST...
Are You Registered? By: Maxine M. Everywhere in the entire country…no area is too remote People will soon be standing in line to vote Our “preference” on all the election issues we will then denote When your turn comes, the election worker will CHECK for your name in their book As long as YOUR name is there…a legal voter, not a felon or crook Then you’ll gladly make your choice, forgetting how long the process took But we hear everyday how SOME just have to try and cheat As they register in different states, making their frauds complete For voting more than once…the very principal of our system they defeat And many will try to vote never having been legally registered at all Or perhaps they registered, BUT aren’t a legal citizen…now that takes a lot of gall So confusion reigns as to which are true winners…which shall we install? But let me tell you of ANOTHER BOOK and its list of names It’s called the “Lamb’s Book Of Life”…and...
Father!! Is There Any Other Way? By: Maxine M. Father!! Is There Any Other Way? As His hour approached, THIS, the Son of God, in agony would ask Feelings of anxiety & despair, from His Father, He didn’t try to mask To bare all the awful ugly sins of the world…even its Creator was overwhelmed by this enormous task The severe sense of pain, humiliation, and degradation He soon would bare He was to drink from the cup of the Father’s wrath…which was rightfully OURS to share In His divine knowledge, what all THAT would involve, He was totally aware But since He & the Father were ONE, He knew what the answer would be Because He’d already told His followers, “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, & the eternal LIFE”…you’ll see “For no one comes to the Father except through ME” I AM the door…those who enter by Me will be saved & prevail I know My sheep…I carry & strengthen all who are weak and frail But the MANY who try...
Now THAT’S Scary! By: Maxine M. At the end of October, there’s a “scary” night on the eve of All Saint’s day Children are eager & excited as to which costume character they want to portray Perhaps a zombie, monster or skeleton carrying a carved pumpkin with hideous face to display Ghosts, goblins, witches, even a were-wolf or two trying to hide Soon they will be roaming the streets in every city far and wide All designed to be SCARY as “trick or treat” is gleefully cried For there, in the dark of night, they will try to accumulate a FULL pail Frightening people along the way is an ADDED BONUS…brings enjoyment without fail Mysterious sounds will be uttered leaving small ones fainthearted & pale There will be a new batch of “horror” movies with scenes in bloody gruesome details Previews of gross ghastly images will help improve ticket sales Terror is prevalent in all of these suspense filled tales Girls will scream ...
ALL THINGS By: Maxine M. ALL THINGS…any matter, affair, concern, happening, incident you can name A tangible or intangible object, item, detail, person or creature…wild or tame Every total entity that exists anywhere in the diverse universal frame God Made ALL THINGS Col 1:16 declares that God the Father created ALL THINGS by His own will That in ALL THINGS, HE may have PREEMINENCE…His desires fulfill Even the very angels were created and are ALL in existence still Life in every form came to be at His COMMAND…NOTHING excluded The solar system, wind, rain, hail, the four seasons…in ALL THINGS, these are included And since creation, He’s maintained ALL THINGS by the power of His WORD…this can NOT be disputed Now, ALL THINGS encompasses YOU!! Your very being…just WHO you are And YOU are just as great a MIRACLE as the brightest distant star You were created for Him…do you know Him? Have you WALKED with H...
Has Your Money Taken Wings? By: Maxine M. Has the last few days and weeks produced a “state of panic” for you? Has your stability disappeared as if a wind blew away the security you hoped to accrue? What will the future hold…how will it be different from the life we knew? When your “money” is GONE!!...where, for reassurance, can you turn? We struggle in fear’s deadly grip…uncertainty makes our emotions churn Will things ever get better? Will days of prosperity return? Was “the Markets” the first thing you checked on in any given day? Changed investments…at the sound of the bell, buying/selling without delay Technology made it easy to always hear what the “experts” had to say Did you totally depend on what your retirement account would earn? Was it a matter of CORRUPTION & GREED in trusted leaders we didn’t discern? Power can corrupt the sincerest politician…from HISTORY we can learn Wasn’t it like the FOX was in char...
What’s YOUR Future? By: Maxine M. The Future!! What will happen beyond today? What events will come to be? Is it a fearful prospect…for the world is quickly falling into disorder, we can all agree Chaos reigns throughout the world…turmoil everywhere we can see Financial institutions have failed…economy shaken to it’s very core Prices on everything have risen to astronomical highs no one can ignore Storms arise one after another to buffet everything along the coastline’s shore Soon the nation will choose a new leader…which one is right? Will our relationship with Israel stay faithful, genuinely tight? Those nations that HATE us, will they attack us some fateful night? Will we ever break that “yoke of dependency” of foreign oil? Do terrorists have new plans for killing us on our very own soil? The battles over abortion and gay marriage never cease to boil Fires rage, threatening homes & property all across the land Violence in ou...
Please!! Find A Way By: Maxine M. Jesus commanded, “Go into ALL the world, spread the gospel’s Good News” That was a “TALL order”…the Apostles had to choose Of how really BIG this task would be, He had given only subtle clues They had walked with Him all across Israel’s diverse land…STRICTLY teaching Jews Now He was sending them BEYOND those boarders…would they refuse? OR travel as new missionaries, starting Christian churches…bring converts into the pews Turning their back on the old established Jewish order they had known In these fore-fathers of the church, what a tremendous leap of Faith was shown Through perils and hardships they ENDURED, to spread the Word…Salvation is in Christ alone The world as they knew it was relatively small…vast areas still unexplored Rome ruled the “known” CIVILIZED world, not realizing there was so much more Soon the whole world would be changing…TIME and PROGRESS opened a new exciting door TO...
Satan’s Plot By: Maxine M. One day Satan, while walking to & fro on the earth, noticed 2 of his demons seemed depressed “What’s wrong with you two?” the devil asked. They both broke down & confessed We’ve been working hard at trying to STOP the Gospel…we’ve done our very best We’ve seen the trouble and discord, but Jesus’ “Good News” always seems to prevail These followers of His just won’t give up…they’re even willing to die or go to jail We’ve “deterred” some through wine, drugs or lust, BUT on these TRUE Christians, even these will fail We entered many churches, watered down the message till some are now luke-warm We’ve taken their friends, spouses, children and even pets by accidents, disease and devastating storm We’ve accused them of INTOLERANCE, yet to this Gospel’s way of life, they still conform We stirred the “political pot” till hatred for them reigns supreme We’ve banished their “Book” from schools and poured ...
Amid Your Loss By: Maxine M. Sudden death!! Does anything else bring a greater shock to our hearts & mind? Be it a loved one, neighbor, friend or acquaintance…all are affected we find Life plummets downward as horror, astonishment & disbelief are combined How can we possibly cope? How can we handle this dreadful blow? Questions flood our very soul…WHY?! How can we ever know? Where can we turn? Where is comfort? It’s impossible not to let our grief show We learn from our youth that death exists…but a fact we try to ignore Assuming it only happens to the elderly, but what does life have in store For we are helpless to INTERVENE when death closes that door For the young, this may be the 1st unexpected death they experience…frightening to the core As we grow older, most have borne this burden before But it never gets EASIER…we never want to go down that road any more Friends & neighbors all “pitch in” to care for immediate family...
FREE!! Available to All By: Maxine M. NOTHING catches our attention like a big sign that says “FREE” A crowd will quickly gather…is that something I can use? Let me see Because obtaining something “without cost” brings a feeling of glee Free samples, free lessons, free tickets to the big game tonight Free puppies, free kittens…these will bring a child such delight The free beauty of a summer sunset…what an awesome sight A gardener usually announces FREE zucchini by summer’s end Mail order catalogues often promote FREE Shipping on the items they send And it doesn’t COST anything to cheerfully greet strangers, neighbors or friend There’s the free air we breathe, free advice for what that’s worth…you decide Now, to some free things, CAUTION & SCRUTINY need to be applied Like teaching children NEVER from strangers accept a free ride! A promise of a free lunch is extended IF you sit and listen to a sales pitch But be WARY of anyth...
Blest Are The Care Givers By: Maxine M. We all are assigned tasks in life…to go through life without a “cross” is rare The troubles, trials & burdens of others we’re encouraged to share But it’s a very heavy load “Care Givers” are given to bear To have another depend on YOU for all THEIR needs every day Drains mortal strength…reminds us we’re only made of clay We love the one we care for, but still tomorrow seems dreary and gray It involves long stressful days and even sleepless, interrupted nights When minds fill with self-doubt… “Am I equal to this task? Am I doing everything right?” Why, for ACCEPTANCE of this situation, must I daily fight? What does the near and long term future hold in store? Will I somehow be required to give even more? Or will life just go in circles…like trying to row with only one oar Friends & family all do what they can to keep life on an upbeat note Please accept their offers of love & he...
Soon!! My Child, Soon By: Maxine M. The trip has been planned, the car is packed, a kennel is boarding the pet The entire family is full of excitement; everything on Mother’s list has been met Then only a few miles down the road, the question comes… “Are we there YET?” Children don’t comprehend time & distance, but at questions they are the master crafter We try to DISTRACT with games & stories and soon have them rolling in laughter But inevitably they repeat the question every few miles there after Morning dawns, all awaken early and already pleasant “smells” from the kitchen fill the air Smells of the turkey roasting along with pumpkin pie & cinnamon rolls…all scrumptious fare A hungry family gathers…Grandpa’s “taking charge” from his easy chair Advising the little ones to SLOW DOWN!! Less noise I’d like you to make Everyone is considering the delicious festive meal they soon will partake Inquires arise “Isn’t i...
Accept God’s Gift of Grace By: Maxine Death lurks!! Waiting, perhaps on the highway or that busy intersection down town It invades hospitals & operating rooms…a hopeless condition has been found Pursues athletes on the playing field and in time of war death abounds It stalks that nursing home resident whose days are winding down Even that precious new born may just stop breathing when no one is around With glee it attacks our body’s cells…the devastation will be profound It awaits unsuspecting VICTIMS of crime or that inmate condemned to die Their day of death has been determined and they KNOW exactly why YES!! Death is waiting…for God declares “all have sinned”, this no one can deny And the WAGES of sin is death!!...a sentence delivered at Adam’s fall Death doesn’t respect who you are…rich or poor, age, race, gender, large or small For God shows NO partiality…when He says ALL, He means ALL So you see, this sentence by the Righteou...
The Good Shepherd’s Sheep By: Maxine M. Have you ever stopped to consider, just bring to mind, all you know about sheep? And the awesome RESPONSIBILITY of the shepherd, for their safety is HIS charge to keep Now a sheep is a wayward creature…their thoughts never run very deep Prone to wander where-ever greener pastures may lead For the most part DEFENSELESS, they become a feast on which predators feed Frightened by rushing water, “still waters” must be provided for their need They blindly follow without thinking or reasoning on their own If one goes through a fence, THEY ALL GO...time & time again has shown “Dumb” is a harsh word, but they’ve been seen sucking on mother’s wool instead of her nutritious zone Most mothers automatically take care of their young…nature’s law readily obey But ewes have been known to simply abandon a lamb, butting & pushing them away To save them, the shepherd must step in without delay Sheep...
Unnecessary Burdens By: Maxine M. School soon will be starting a brand new academic year Children will go to bed early so they can rise with minds bright & clear Breakfast will energize so they can strap on that new “back pack”…its weight is severe Containing books, lunch & all the supplies NEEDED for the day to be in “learning” mode We’ve all seen them STRUGGLING under this heavy load And we wonder, will this daily PRESSURE cause “problems” down the road?! Now, as a child of our Heavenly Father, we start our day in devotion & prayer Knowing for whatever lies in store today, we need to prepare But do we ALSO pick up “yesterdays” back pack of heavy burdens to wear? Our shoulders are bowed beneath this baggage we’ve unwittingly amassed We pack it full of fears, disappointments, guilt from our mistakes of the past We find room for resentment & bitterness from hurt others have, on us, cast We squeeze in insecurities, depre...
Where’s The Sun? By: Maxine M. Ever driven in dense fog…a cloud hanging too close to the ground? A cloud is a body of moisture that obscures sight & sound All senses need to be on ALERT as fear and anxiety compound We can’t see what lies directly in our chosen path ahead Familiar landmarks are unavailable…the confusion in fog, to many, accidents have lead There’s no traveling full stream forward, but caution must be used instead When flying in a cloud, on instruments a plane MUST rely Ships search for the lighthouse…its light and sound to penetrate the foggy sky “Storm clouds” can be ALARMING…mother’s try to hush a child’s frightened cry Peter, James & John were also frightened when a cloud engulfed them on a mountain side A cloud led the children of Israel and in it, God’s very presence would abide Now, these clouds were LITERAL, but the term “cloudy”, to emotions, also can be APPLIED Applied to those days when we can’t seem t...
Before The Day Was Over By: Maxine M. He was a thief, a lowly criminal living in the shadows on the Jerusalem street Now caught & condemned to die on a cross…ending his life in defeat With SARCASTIC words, the Lord of Glory, he and is friend would greet But before the day was over… Amid his own pain & anguish and his own sinfulness, he would realize This was “HOLINESS” suffering next to him!!...watching as the Son of Glory dies Humbly asks, “Lord!! Remember me in your Kingdom!” thus gaining paradise…the ultimate prize What CHANGE a day can bring! The sun rose that morning as usual…the villagers still depressed and scared German soldiers patrolled the streets joking, laughing, perhaps a cigarette shared To cross their line…even the bravest among them didn’t dare But before the day was over… An allied army had put those same soldiers on he run Liberation!! Fr...
So, What’s Your Plan? By: Maxine M. Do you have a plan...a plan for today, tomorrow, what about next year? Is the immediate plan just to go to work and further your career? Or to go on vacation, praying the weather will be sunny and clear Maybe your plan is to marry soon…be a radiant June bride Or you’re expecting to be a new father…at the mere thought you’d cried Are you counting the days to retirement…time to take those hobbies in stride? We plan parties, celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, any special occasion we choose Our plans include pursuing recreation and entertainment…all designed to amuse At sports we plan and prepare to be a winner…no one ever plans to lose Some hire a financial planner trusting their experienced insight Because planning is NECESSARY in these economic times to stretch a budget that’s tight So we plan our work, schedule appointments, even plan what’s for dinner tonight Now, planning is ESSENTIA...
Does That Make Sense? By: Maxine M. Why, Lord!! Why all this trouble? Does it make any sense? That life is full of constant turmoil…so emotionally intense Seems we are being attacked daily…keeping us ever on the defense So many “things” don’t make any sense in the world where we live today Why me, why now, why this, has logic completely gone astray? Leaving us confused & frustrated, thus the “WHYS” are all we can say So does it make sense that millionaires and even billionaires want even MORE? Shouldn’t time have shown money can’t satisfy anyone’s inner core? As hard workers struggle to survive, equality’s voice life seems to ignore Does it make any sense that a young mother is taken before her children are grown? Or that an accident took both parents, now their children must grow up alone With only vague memories as they stare at their names chiseled in stone The “health issues” that took a father with so much life yet ...
How Will You Handle Change? By: Maxine M. Have you ever sat back and considered your life then sighed happy and content Problems all seem solved & now its smooth sailing…the message life has sent You worked so hard to this point…ahead lay years of peaceful retirement BUT LIFE IS FULL OF CHANGE… Suddenly your health is gone…problems no one can solve or reverse Those “Golden Years” are spent dependent on a care-giver or nurse That happy sunny disposition changes to sadness, depression or worse HOW WILL YOU HANDLE CHANGE? Your JOB is “challenging”, but rewarding…you’ve given it your complete devotion Even through those “problem solving times” when you DESERVED a promotion You stayed LOYAL while others constantly caused a commotion BUT LIFE IS FULL OF CHANGE… CHANGE has hit your company…new bosses are in control now Or your job is lost, fu...
There’s An Enemy In Our Nation By: Maxine M. There’s an enemy in our nation, silent and unseen This enemy is a cruel, devoted, diabolical fiend He invades our homes, walks our streets, appears on the political scene He’s been around since time and has brought mighty nations to their knees History records he attacks with stealth…as deadly as you please With crafty & cunning promise of wealth, comfort and ease A false sense of security & peace…this enemy’s special tools Practically unnoticed, he took God’s name from our public schools The UNBORN have NO rights!!...through his influence, the high courts sadly rules Now years have passed and untold numbers have parished…we say we are appalled But have we carried a picket sign in protest…our Senators, have we written or called? Do we consider a candidate’s pro-life stance when new leaders are to be installed? For MANY of our leaders are CORRUPT!!’s been proven...
Is There Still Hope? By: Maxine M. As we search the headline news, we wonder WHAT does the future hold Will America ever again be as great as we remember from of old? Are there forces at work determining our fate…forces beyond our control? Anxiously we wait, worry, wonder…what will be the election results this year How can any candidate really change the future…RESTORE the America we all hold dear The way of life our fathers enjoyed is now GONE it would appear Will our nation stand with Israel? Or will they face the world alone? Will we forget the promise of “CURSE” to those who Israel’s demise condone So do we DARE withdraw our support…then OUR fate bemoan? Are terrorists plotting more destruction…take us once again by surprise To take down the “Great Satan” of the west is their ultimate prize They HATE our freedoms while fearful of our Military power, might and size Is America in danger of simply IMPLODING…basic “pillar...