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Showing posts from 2009
Step by Step By: Maxine M. Every plan has a beginning & a completion…THEN we can start the victory celebration Certain STEPS must be taken in between, orderly steps, through out the duration So it’s at Christmas we celebrate the 1st major step in God’s INGENIOUS plan of Salvation For that 1st step was to send His beloved Son…second person of the Trinity To become a human baby…Divinity!! For the world to touch, hear and see A humble birth in tiny Bethlehem, according to Caesar’s census decree Imagine!! The very Creator of the universe dependent now on parental care Growing up as every other child, yet always fully aware Of His Heavenly Father’s PLAN and the terrible burden HE’D be asked to bear But He was patiently obedient to earthly authority, faithful to Jewish cultural tradition Perfectly demonstrating through His teachings God’s love & the hopelessness of the human condition Healed the sick, o...
Wrapped With Love By: Maxine M. Excitement is building as the Christmas celebration draws near Cards are being addressed, parties planned…extending holiday cheer Lights twinkle from trees & roof tops, carols fill the receptive ear People are hurriedly doing errands and there’s cookies & candy to prepare Before long, those traditional holiday movies will once again air Lists are being “checked”, stockings hung, there is a WONDER everywhere Presents are being bought or made, wrapped and carefully placed under the tree The mystery of WHATS inside adds to the excitement, we all agree Recipients sometimes shake them, trying to imagine what in the world could it be Oh, some are wrapped elegantly in shinny paper & lovely big bow So beautiful indeed…big or small, then relatives arrive with even more in tow All designed so that LOVE for one another they clearly will show Now, that beautiful package may contain underw...
My HERO!! By: Maxine M. Ever watch one of those old time melodramas where the characters OVER act? Their dramatic performance prompts us to emotionally react Villain vs. Hero is the usual theme, but the scripts are not exact A distressed young women cries, “Oh please, I cannot pay the rent!” The villain replies, “You MUST pay the rent…down to the last RED cent!” “I CAN’T pay the rent!”, “You MUST pay the rent!”…as the villain refuses to relent And then, without fail, the HERO steps in to SAVE the day Pays what’s owed & sends the villain scurrying on his way “OH!! You are MY Hero!”, the young lady over & over will say Now, the fact that rent was owed was never in dispute And the young women wasn’t EXEMPT because she was charming, witty & cute It was her total inability to pay…her abject poverty, which was so acute In OUR world, there also lurks a villain waiting gleefully for our demise Pride & arr...
Pick Up Your Torch By: Maxine M. Moses!! God’s humble servant yet mighty leader, was called to the top of Mt. Nebo There, he was permitted to see all the Promised Land but not one day, there, would he know The harsh punishment for a moment of pride & anger…oh, to know his thoughts as he viewed the Jordan below! But even this land of “milk & honey” couldn’t compare to the splendor he was about to see No more earthly trials & overwhelming responsibilities…by God’s Grace, set entirely free Satan argued for his body, but God refused, saying, in the tribulation he’ll be a witness for Me Thus, God told Joshua “Pick up the torch.” “As I was with Moses, I’ll be with you” “Be courageous, lead My people…mighty, heroic deeds I’ll have you do” And before he died, Joshua told Israel, “Follow the Lord your God…to His covenant, be true” Then in the days of Israel’s evil King Ahab, there was heard ...
This was written with the intent of keeping a copy in your pantry or wherever you keep goods. Hoping that if someone who has been left behind breaks in looking for food and shelter, the person will read and be lead to scripture and what to do NOW! A Message for Those Left Behind By: Maxine M. To the one who has entered my home looking to plunder or find shelter & food I no longer have a need for those THINGS so don’t worry about being sued And perhaps ANSWERS can be provided for the questions to which your mind must allude Questions of WHY the world is suddenly in chaos, with events you cannot comprehend Turmoil, confusion, disorder are reigning…even the scientists cannot pretend Trying to understand WHAT’S happened…where is your family member or close friend For they just DISAPPEARED one unsuspecting night not long ago Bringing bewilderment & uncertainty in the most gigantic...
This Too Shall Pass By: Maxine M. Ever have those days where you just want to go back and start it over again? Nothing seems to have gone right from the very start…a day when there is no way to win Perhaps the washer has flooded the basement…at a FIX, where do you begin? Or, you’re late for work already & now your child is sick Your assistant messed up your reports…how COULD they be so thick Deadlines are due…does anyone know some magical computer trick? A late fall weather system arrived last night, now your car is buried in snow You’re tempted to miss work but your conscience says “you have to go” You’ve “scooped” it out, NOW a spark the battery will no longer bestow Rush hour traffic, a “bad hair” day, a flat tire, a broken heel Muddy foot prints, that burnt roast for a “company” meal A computer virus, lost homework, a runner in a stocking you can not conceal The list of examples is endless…things that can m...
Can You Trust the Obvious? By: Maxine M. Centuries ago man declared, “The earth is flat, as you can plainly see!” Go far enough and you’ll fall off…this, their solemn decree But some pondered its truth…determined to see for themselves before they’d agree Columbus was such a man…who questioned the obvious & had the courage to GO Sailing days upon days, charting a course wherever the west wind would blow Driven on by his faith that success for his journey, his Creator would bestow And behold, a new land was discovered…a wonderful world beyond his wildest dreams Abundant in wildlife, lofty forests, majestic mountains, unpolluted streams Did it ever occur to him that this would one day be a mighty nation bursting at its seams? Well, the earth STILL LOOKS flat even tho we’ve now observed it from space An incredible ROUND sphere that only a Creator could have put in place So it’s TRUTH, not the obvious, we need t...
Childlike Faith By: Maxine M. A short time ago, a long-time politician was laid to rest The last of the patriotic brothers…in America, their lives they’d invest People lined the streets expressing grief, paying tribute & honor with considerable zest A crowd gathered on the Capital’s steps engrossed in this somber affair But did you notice the small children quietly playing without a care? Just having fun, making faces at each other while parents were unaware Wiggling & anxious to be on with life…shed those “good” clothes that must stay clean Unconcerned what “Teddy’s” passing would bring to the political scene Confident & trusting their parents would keep life safe & serene For children are children in spite of color, nationality or religious creed Where prejudice hasn’t been formed, childlike acceptance will intercede They’re refreshingly innocent…not yet carrying our burden of ‘will I succeed’ T...
READY for Trouble? By: Maxine M. Ever studied the book of Job? What a treasure house of wisdom for us today God declared him a blameless & upright servant…in return; God blessed him in every way The book tells how DAILY he prayed for his children, lest they should stray How his employees were happy, how he helped the fatherless & widows, gave to the poor Was hospitable to strangers…his home policy was an “open” door How he walked in honesty & humility, feared his Creator…any form of evil he’d abhor Yes!! He was very successful…a prosperous wealthy man indeed A greatly respected community leader…a moral way of life his creed A wonderful example for us all, IF we just follow his lead But Satan was jealous (his very nature) of God & Job’s relationship Asking, “Does he serve you for nothing? Take Your hand away, let him know adversity’s whip Of everything he holds dear…finances, reputation, ch...
You’re Hired!! By: Maxine M. Work!! Ordained by the Creator, but to be accomplished in six days The rest on the 7th, giving glory & worship to Him for His marvelous holy ways So we labor and toil at our various tasks, menial or professional, the best one that pays We work to feed our families, provide daily needs…perhaps there’s a crisis to be met Work to avoid or alleviate ourselves from the burden of accumulating debt Hoping to put enough away for a “nest egg” when retirement age is set But in today’s economy, it’s a possibility you’re laid off or will be soon Jobs are in jeopardy…from the computer expert to the day-care worker done by noon Even teachers & nurses may see job losses or benefit cuts while bills balloon From mechanic to cooks, lawyer or court reports…all want to work as they are skilled The Dr., the accountant, the farmer who feeds the nation from land he has tilled All are wondering w...
Emmanuel…Here with Us By: Maxine M. There are many wonderful names given to Almighty God we could discuss today Jehovah, Elahim, El-Shaddai … “I Am”, He said of Himself…forever this name will stay But consider “EMMANUEL”, meaning “God with us”…with us in a special intimate way Around Christmas, we sing ‘Come, oh come Emmanuel’ with voices raised on high Acknowledging that God Himself became man…the ransom for sin He’d provide For 30 + years He walked on earth…GOD with us…before He sacrificially died His followers thought His ministry was OVER, that He’d been defeated But by His RESURRECTION He’d WON and His victory, in us, can now be repeated Then He promised a comforter, as at the Father’s right hand He now is seated And we await His return, LISTENING for a trumpet to announce the gathering in the sky But Emmanuel is STILL HERE with us…aid, support and comfort to supply Dwelling in the heart of ...
What’s better than a Blackberry? By: Maxine M. Communication!! It’s been a dilemma ever since God confused man’s speech At the tower of “Babel” when humans tried to accomplish “works” far beyond their reach By confusion and bewilderment tribes were divided…a new language given to each And the resulting desire to convey thoughts & messages has brought great innovations New ideas to bring clarity & understanding between peoples across the nations And SPEED in conversing has been a long time GOAL in many occupations How to TALK when not face to face…what would that require? The old west saw men on fast horses spread news until the QUICKER telegraph wire Then the telephone…a good “party line” could spread news —“Did you know the Johnson barn was on fire?” From big wooden models hanging on the wall to the little princess, sleek and trim lined Now, cell phones search for a signal from the next...
The PLAN…Who Will Pay the Price? By: Maxine M. It’s all the buzz!! The subject of all the current news & late night talk shows All are discussing the purposed “government run” health care plan…will it bring RELIEF or WOES What do all those PAGES “really” mean…who for certain knows? How can you properly debate something you don’t understand? Who is going to pay? How much more in taxes can a government demand? Politicians know constituents will remember when entering the voting booth pen in hand So fear, confusion, anxiety reign!! Angry citizens raise a voice in protest Will someone else decide FOR them…what THEY THINK is best? Will those on a “fixed” income be vulnerable to what a medical board may suggest? Won’t this plan be a big DISADVANTAGE to those who had good insurance all along? Will my tax dollars pay for abortions…which I find morally WRONG?! Those with the power to decide, will TH...
And the Winner Is….? By: Maxine M. Every day the battle rages…two dispositions struggle to gain the upper hand Yes, a war of dominance between the carnal nature & a righteous spirit…which will take the winner’s stand Can the “GOOD” we want so much to do, overcome the power “SELF” can demand? A few malignant cells can eventually destroy all the healthy ones they surround And a red sock has the ability to turn a white one pink…not the other way around Good, clean, fresh country air can “reek” when an angry skunk is south bound Ever buy a big bag of apples you thought were all crisp, juicy & sweet But there, in the middle, is a spoiled one unfit to eat Spreading its decay to those near-by…never do the good make the bad complete Planning on making cookies only to find the brown sugar HARD…what to do? Remember mother’s trick? Seal it tight with a piece of bread…soon will be good as new Moisture from the bread transfer...
The Fields are White unto the Harvest (John 4:35) By: Maxine M. Sometime in EARLY summer, the 1st fruits of our garden we can begin to enjoy Radishes, rhubarb, lettuce, strawberries bring a culinary delight! Oh Boy!! All from those tiny seeds that in early spring we were so careful to deploy These 1st fruits mature before the full-blown heat & tribulations of summer arrive But by mid-summer melons, tomatoes and cucumbers are ready…for a beautiful harvest we strive These plants will continue to bloom & produce as long as the vines are alive Later, corn, squash and pumpkins will HURRY to ripen before summer’s end Knowing it’s inevitable that a “killing” frost the fall months will send Stopping the growing season, against which the gardener tries to defend In life, these “growing” principles are reflected with each new baby born With all the potential for growth…similar to that...
Treasure in Earthen Vessel By: Maxine M. Recently we watched an old prospector in a late night western show He never found the big “mother lode” hiding somewhere in the earth below But a small nugget here, another there, gold dust in his pan made his face glow Little by little his treasure grew…he knew one day his wealth would be complete So he built towards that unknown date, undeterred by cold, heat, wind, rain or sleet Consistently faithful to his task…daily routine simply repeat But the accumulating treasure wasn’t kept in containers that would attract attention Lest “WOULD-BE” robbers come and steal his intended old-age pension But was hidden in ORDINARY inconspicuous places…places he’d never mention A common sack among his cornmeal & flour, a rusty tin can clearly marked “beans” Secret places away from prying eyes so as not to tempt evil intended fiends Any visitor would see him as a “DELUSIONAL DREAMER...
Satan’s Workshop By: Maxine M. One day two little demons were just “hanging out”…one was named Ike and the other Joe When Ike dared to say “Let’s sneak into Satan’s workshop since he’s out walking to & fro Just how he deceives so many people, I’d like to know” Later, as they entered this ULTIMATE den of evil, apprehension strongly grew In awe, they gazed about at all the destructive weapons there for them to view They knew their leader was powerful, but just how diabolic, they hadn’t a clue Arrows of ANGER & ADVERSITY, poisonous tipped darts of DOUBT lined the wall For at a vulnerable moment in a believer’s life, a victim to these can fall An entire arsenal of ADDICTIONS, idols of INDULGENCES, HEARTACHES to install Bags of BLAME, boxes of BURDENS, daggers of DISTRACTIONS…carnal weapons all Selfishness, cowardice, panic, fear…to be worn like an old woolen shawl Stumbling blocks marked pride, lust, greed, envy & gossi...
Remembering Father By: Maxine M. Another Father’s Day has arrived…a time when tribute and honor should be paid A reminder of “father qualities”…not letting their special attributes fade Regardless if they are still among us or in the cool earth laid Fathers come in a vast assortment of size, temperament and individual personalities…all as God made All possess various abilities & talents…some applaud from the side-lines, some lead the parade But each passed on their family’s traits and qualities you’d never trade So how do YOU remember Dad when memories of him start to invade? What’s foremost in your mind? Was he one to come to your aid? Was he a person who kept you feeling safe and unafraid? The strong leader of the family…providing for their every need? Teaching his special skills…everyone is good at something experts have agreed What do you re...
Dangerous Future? By: Maxine M. Where does our nation fit in this world’s overall final destination Since we’re surrounded by enemies and the death of Americans brings such elation All would rejoice at our downfall, as we are the “Great Satan” in their estimation They resent our protection of Israel…on the Jew’s elimination their heart is set Rouge nations desire nuclear weapons, so how will we handle the Iran & N. Korea threat? Where do China and Russia REALLY stand…what secret agenda is waiting to be met? Foreign leaders increasingly treat us with blatant disdain Relationships with once close allies we’ve seen clearly wane Seems like we face the WORLD alone, creating an economic & military strain War is raging on different fronts while Arabs manipulate the price of oil Not since WWII has the entire world seemed like a pot about to boil Along side the foreign & domestic terrorists plotting to KILL on our very own soil Doesn’t danger lurk from “RELIGIONS” that promote going...
Hurry!! SOON the Harvest! By: Maxine M. It’s spring again…time for the sowing of seeds, fulfilling man’s curse of endless toil The constant renewing cycle of life…this sleeping and reawakening of the earth’s soil The keeping of our Creator’s covenant…to which He is ever faithful and loyal For He promised that springtime & harvest would continue till the end of days Even amid the clouds His created sun would give its warming rays That HIS “nature” would provide the needs of ALL His creatures in various ways Because each plant contains SEED within itself…according to its kind Grasses, herbs, trees carrying on their reproductive mission…as HE designed All with a unique PURPOSE…as the ever changing seasons remind So isn’t NOW the time we should contemplate planting our God given seeds? Not just the carrying on of a physical family name & the joy to which that leads But also those spiritual seeds that insure GROWTH so ou...
A Moment in Time By: Maxine M. We often forget how in a moment in time our life can change Situations & events we never stopped to consider can suddenly rearrange They happen to OTHERS…but aren’t WE IMMUNE to circumstances so strange?! But in a moment in time we find change…it CAN come to us ALL That life altering moment we didn’t see coming…perhaps by a traffic accident or unexpected fall A new unplanned direction is now a REALITY…a modified lifestyle we must install Are we prepared for those life changing moments that will certainly come our way? Whether they are JOYFUL moments we can embrace on any given day Like the birth of a baby…a PERMANENT change in lifestyle will convey A once in a lifetime financial opportunity or new friendship to lighten life’s heavy load A celebration of a life milestone achieved or a full payment of a debt owed OR those DEVASTATING moments when life takes a sharp bend in the road Times when our...
No Greater Pain By: Maxine M. The loss of a child…could parents ever receive a more devastating blow? Through disease or accident it’s a horrible nightmare no one wants to know But some ARE chosen to go through this awful ordeal so an example to others they can bestow An example of hope & faith that God’s Grace will sustain And show the way to Him when life all around seems totally insane When the “WHYS” consume our mind, threatening to destroy our very brain What purpose could a loving heavenly Father have had in mind? To take a child whose life was just beginning…one so sweet, adorable and kind Or was this after all the way to accomplish the Master plan He had designed For we must remember…our children really all belong to Him He only LOANS them to us, to fill our cup of joy to the very brim And each child has his/her OWN PURPOSE to fulfill when life is so terribly grim Jesus, with outstretched arms said “Let the little children come to Me” Forbid them not…it’s that simple child-...
Consider the Evidence, my Atheistic Friend By: Maxine M. Are you one who puts the subject of God as far as you can from your mind? You’re considered a “good” person but towards anything religious or spiritual you’re not inclined Seeing so much hurt and injustice all around, IF there is a God, He must be blind Something happened when you were young…something you could never accept or understand A hurt so deep that couldn’t possibly have happened if a sovereign God was in command A victim in childhood…of life’s ever insidious destructive demands So you hardened your heart & rejected even His very existence You laugh at those who pray to this FATHER with devoted persistence Thinking you’ll be less vulnerable if you never expect Divine assistance But stop!! Just LOOK in the mirror & think…give a reasonable explanation if you can To whatever theories YOU have as to the origin of man Because human existen...
Does He Hear? By: Maxine M. We are taught from childhood…Come boldly to the throne of Grace in faithful prayer Talk to God as a child to a Father…lay your heart bare For the DAILY stress and the “surprises” in life, this helps us prepare BUT does God truly answer prayer…or is our pleading all in vain? Don’t we often grow weary in waiting? Oh, what an emotional drain! But have we asked in SINCERITY or uttered a continuous often repeated refrain? Will our request bring Glory to our Saviour or is it SELF we wish to promote? Are our motives pure? Have we asked amiss as James long ago wrote? Is there “something” you’ve NOT surrendered hiding deep within…be it ever so remote? Something HE wishes brought to light, perhaps some unfulfilled vow A secret sin not confessed or presumptuous sins He never would allow Or often the request is just not in the Father’s plan for you…at least not right now Has the prayer included respect & hon...
Oh NO!! What’s that Sound?! By: Maxine M. The demons were rejoicing worshipping Satan one dark Friday long ago “Oh, exalted ruler of this world, YOU are VICTORIOUS…now your evil will incessantly flow Your influence over the human race will only expand & constantly grow” And Satan basked in this thought and reflected how this day came to be How since his fall he’d been trying to gain superiority over the Blessed Trinity He smiled at how he had tricked Eve & gotten her to agree Agree that God wasn’t fair and that it was ok to disbelieve what God had said He laughed at the downfall of the human race when this disobedience led How, through all the successive generations, his deception had spread He remembered his own anger & exasperation when he learned what the Father had planned That God the Son one day, with His very life, would pay sin’s demand How he had ramped up his own efforts…fires of lust, greed, hatred he’d fanned When Jesus became the Son of Man, Satan knew the plan...
The Lord’s Army By: Maxine M. Remember some of the SPIRITED old time gospel songs we sang as the organ would play? Songs like: We’re marching to Zion – I’m bound for the Promised Land one day Beulah Land – Onward Christian Soldier – Traveling the King’s highway The words of “I’m in the Lord’s Army” resounded from the rafters many a Sunday That in this life we’d live & work and follow our Lord…His commands alone obey That one day, Christians would be together as a united group…the message these songs would convey As the Lord’s army we’d fight His enemies; His plan of salvation advance Knowing nobody is WORTHY to be in His Heavenly Regiment, but Grace allows another chance And He recruits His soldiers from all walks of life & various circumstance He calls that one orphaned when young, never having known a family’s embrace That willful rebellious one whose life choices have led them to disgrace The alcoholic, the addict, the morally destitute, those who for crimes prison will face...
What about Tomorrow? By: Maxine M. Time seems to move ever so slowly, but constantly marches onward without fail We go about life working, playing, planning, dreaming and fighting whatever problems assail Thinking that by OUR plans, OUR efforts, OUR wisdom we will prevail Believing WE are masters of our fate, OUR ingenuity & determination will make life great Yesterday’s “good times” band wagon was rolling…we were told “get on board before it’s too late” Warning signs abounded but we closed eyes and ears to this debate Smooth talking investors SEEMED to make so much sense Like dominos, long established institutions fell…their stability a long time pretense WE can’t FAIL, we’re too big, too important was their arrogant defense So we basked in yesterday’s glory, ignoring the FACT we have little control Now unknown days are ahead…days of stress that can take such a toll Days of turmoil, chaos, uncertainty…tomorrow will I s...